The Ropes

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"Welcome to Alexandria" she said. Those words playing over and over in my mind as I look around at the perfectly preserved town. Giant, magnificent houses line the streets, like the ones you only see on television. Their yards all lined with flowerbeds and shrubs as if they have all the freedom in the world to keep them alive. Looking down another street to the right of me, I see a group of young children, all around the age of 10, kicking a soccer ball around. There is no suffering on their faces, as it seemed they have been shielded their whole lives from the truth behind the walls.

I hear muffled words from the woman, Maggie, not being able to make out what she said, so I forced myself out of my head and looked at her. I'd hate to make a bad first impression.

"What was that?" I mutter slightly embarrassed

She snickers a bit and looks at me "I only asked your name darlin'"

"Oh, my name is Charlotte...sorry I'm...all of this is overwhelming" I whisper letting my eyes scan town quickly once more then towards her.

"Don't worry about it. It was overwhelming for us too when we first got here, but you're safe now" She nods with a sweet smile as she places her hand on my shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I like Maggie, she didn't face me with an intimidating persona. She was like a long lost sister that I never knew about. A breath of fresh air.

"Thank you Maggie" I whisper looking into her eyes. A sudden flood of intense emotion washed over me as my eyes welled up with tears. I haven't felt safe in 2 years, and just a few hours ago I was laying on the floor of an abandoned shed, ready to accept my death.  Maggie noticed my glossy eyes and wrapped her arms around my body to embrace me, and at that moment I couldn't hold it back anymore. I so desperately craved some form of comfort after being alone for so long. I wrapped my arms around her and gripped the back of her shirt as I sobbed over her shoulder that my head lay on.

"Deanna is gonna want to meet you" Maggie whispers to me, rubbing my back gently as we break apart our embrace. I take a deep breath as I wipe the tears off my face, proving useless as they continue to slowly fall.

"Who's Deanna?" I ask quietly, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"That would be me!" I hear a woman's voice. I look over to my left and see a much older woman with short, gray hair, walking towards us. The timing, so pathetically perfect it's almost if she was waiting in the bushes for her que.

I sniffle a bit and turn to the woman named Deanna, trying not to seem weak through my puffy eyes and tear stains on my cheek that washed away the dirt in their path.

"Come along with me won't you?" She asked politely and held her hand out gesturing me to walk with her. I looked over at Maggie and watched her nod to let me know I would be alright, and then turned to Daryl, who did the same.

"uh, sure yeah" I muttered awkwardly looking towards Deanna. We walked together down the street as I admired the town more. People watching wasn't my best trait but I couldn't help myself as I observed. People were walking down the road having casual conversation, giggling with each other. Others sat on their porches with books in hand or a plate of food. Hell, I saw a dog sunbathing in one of the front yards. This had to be some sort of dream. Places like this can't exist anymore...can they?

As we approached the door of one of many large buildings, Deanna opened it up and gestured for me to walk in first, and then she followed.

"woah..." I spoke to myself as I gawked at the interior of this house. Everything was in perfect condition. Untouched by the apocalypse.

"Please, take a seat" Deanna offered as she walked past me into a large living room, and sat down in a chair. I did as she said and followed her, sitting down in the chair across from her, adjusting myself uncomfortably. It's like I forgot how to be a normal human being.

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