The Outlier

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I did it again
I put you on a pedestal
It's not fair,
You have 2 perfectly fine legs to stand on.

I opened the door to you
You kissed me
We felt so comfortable.

You touched me gently
You made me writhe with pleasure
I peeled back your layers
Piece by piece

I didn't fall in love
With everything you showed me.
Maybe I am scorned
Just slightly

I wondered why I felt disappointment
Why you left without saying I love you
But of course
You don't love me
You couldn't
To say you did would be a lie.

This is only the second time I've met you.
There are boundaries that need to be respected.
I opened my door to you
You keep your shoes on

We are still learning each other's language
I hope you want to understand mine.

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