History of Realms

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"Indeed, Miss Simmons." The Aker Pharaoh began with a small wave of his hand, "Yes, there are a total of Nine Realms across Yggdrasil. However, unlike the stories from both Midgardian's Myths and modern stories. The Realms consist more of a combination of Realms from each story across the many Myths." He concluded before diving into the history of The Realms. "The Realms across Yggdrasil are consistent with Asgard and Midgard as the obvious ones. Yet, the others are Olympus, Avalon, Ryūgū-Jō, Òrún, The Jade Realm, The Duat Realm, The Demon Realm, and Tartarus." Horus concluded as Ogun followed up on explaining these Realms.

"Locations like Asgard, Avalon, Olympus, Òrún, Ryūgū-Jō, and The Demon Realm serve as the homes as well as sources of Political Influence for both Mythics and Divine alike. Asgard, Olympus, and Òrún belong to the Divine yet have specific species of Divine living there. Asgard is the home of Aesir and Vanir, Olympus is the home of Olympians and Akers, and Òrún is the home of The Orishas as well as the other Divine which lack their own unique name." The Orisha of Metal elaborated before continuing, "Avalon, Ryūgū-Jō, and The Demon Realm belong to Mythics as well as serve a similar purpose to the homes of Divine. Avalon serves as the home of Fairies, Faeries, Elemental Monkeys, Saytars, Dökkálfar, Ljósálfar, and Aswangs." Ogun continued before Lin cut in for a brief moment.

"In case you two aren't familiar with the true names, The Dökkálfar and Ljósálfar are the official names of both Dark and Light Elves." The Fire Monkey explained while Ogun grumbled due to the interruption.

"I could have handled that myself, Lin..." Ogun spat while glaring at Lin, "Ryūgū-Jō is home to Dragons, Cobrivites, Kitsunes, Merfolks, and Cat-Sìths. The Demon Realm, being the harshest of environments for Mythics, belongs to Demons obviously yet also serves as home to Khnums, Minotuars, Garudas, Giants, and Dwarves. They can endure the harsh landscape after all." He concluded before thinking of a little fun fact to disclose as well. "Although, Dwarves moved there due to their fondness of mining and crafting after their Realm was absorbed into The Demon Realm."

"Absorbed?" Questioned Anthony as the group kept moving to the palace that rested in the center of Asgard Island. "How does that happen?" He pressed as Anthony tried to wrap his head around all of this new information.

Luna shrugged before her impulsive demeanor caused her to speak a possibility aloud, "Maybe these guys hold some kind of fighting tournament like Mortal Kombat." To the surprise of those in the know, they were impressed by the accuracy of her statement.

"Actually, yes. Nice guess, Luna." Xi Ling announced with a small laugh. "Over the many eons that Yggdrasil has grown. Many of us figured out that for Yggdrasil to remain healthy, it was best to keep a minimum of Nine Realms. Every so often, a new Realm would sprout into existence." The Water Monkey explained as conjured some water to help display a visual example, "When a new branch grows, The Ethereal Council holds a fighting tournament of shorts to figure out which Realm outside of The Jade Realm, The Duat Realm, Midgard, and Tartaros should be decided to be cut off. The Realms mentioned are never selected for these tournaments as they are way too important to gamble their existence."

"The Jade Realm is a school for Divines, Aspiring Demi-Gods, and Mythics with a lot of power. As Yu Huang watches over the training of these beings, they can safely unleash a lot of their power without major risk to the realm. It is one of the toughest Realms and can endure the power that is unleashed during many training sessions there. It is also where powerful items like The Pantao Peaches, Iðunn Apples, Portokáki Oranges, Thoth's Book, and other Powerful Artifacts that we couldn't keep on Midgard." The Lotus Prince explained before pausing to think on that statement, "... Or at least the ones we could locate..."

"The Duat Realm is best to be explained as... The Path and Court of The Afterlife. The Duat Realms has many districts that hold different forms of The Afterlife, depending on the Individual's worthiness on their path. Anubis and Charon help guide the souls throughout Duat before they reach Hades and Osiris." Liù'ěr Míhóu explained, "The Duat Realm holds the different paths to one's Afterlife there. Depending on how your soul is judged will determine where you're taking among the different paths. Districts within Duat are Valhalla, Saṃsāra, Niflheim, Diyu, and Irkalla. Each District serves its own purpose. Saṃsāra or Valhalla are the two most ideal Districts since they don't punish you like the others. Though, if you end up in Niflheim... You are probably as bad as Adolf was in Midgard's Second World War." The Six-Eared Macaque explained while placing his hands in
his pockets.

"Isn't Niflheim where that dragon that devours your soul lives?" Asked Lin Chao, reviewing his knowledge on this subject. It was quickly confirmed as the lecture about The Realms continued with Heimdall taking charge.

"Midgard is in a... sophisticated one among the others... Unlike Tartaros, which serves as a Supermax Prison, you would call it simply, Midgard is left alone since the value of Mortals and their worship is too great to simply cut off." The Watchman explained that he was very conflicted by the idea of leaving his post, but the blob of undead flesh that thrashed within the cage was a reassurance that he needed to report this oddity and how he was unable to see its creation was a valid reason to leave temporarily. "Figures of Myth like Chornos, Izanami, Catríona Duban, Báigǔjīng, Shuten-Dōji, and Fenrir are held. So, I hope that information will explain why Tartaros can't be put on the chopping block." He concluded as he sensed that both Anthony and Luna seemed to be miffed with the mention of Fenrir. With a very annoyed sigh, Heimdall turned back to glare at the two. "What? Think that the mutt shouldn't be..." He began before his eyes widened in utter shock, "You two idiots or something?! Fenrir IS a massive threat to all of us." He proclaimed as the two rolled their eyes in a very sarcastic manner.

"Yeah... The puppy who was best friends with the guy who represented Justice MUST be a villain... Let's make sure that it happens by chaining up a very impressionable animal into hating all of us. Even better, let's add a bit of salt into that wound by shoving a sword into the muzzle." Luna remarked with a very sassy demeanor while dramatically waving her hands and swaying her body to add to her display of sarcasm. Through gritted teeth, Heimdall growled as everyone else couldn't help but laugh at this little antic.

"The girl has some serious balls for a rookie Demi-Goddess," Zeus remarked in admiration for her boldness as they soon entered the Palance to see a massive dispute between Mythics and Divine akin to a very crazed group of moronic politicians while others were just annoyed and embarrassed to be among the group of childish brats. "As much as I would like to be among The Council... I am not looking forward to having to endure this part of the job..." Zeus declared with bitterness of the Political implications of being a Council Member while watching the Fiasco playing out.

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