« Hop in , punk . »

He quickly gets in the backseats , like a dog out of its leash , he looks at me from the rear mirror before leaning in the empty space between Paget and I , each elbow of his on top of a seat of us .

« So ... new girl ? How was your day so far ? I really wished I could give you a tour but ... »

«  Shut it , Iker . » Paget says as she starts pulling away , while I only look out of the window wishing to throw myself out of here .

« Whatever have I said that pissed you so much now ? »

« Nothing yet , but I am positive you will soon , so better shut you down from now . »

He pokes her playfully . « You know me so well . »

They keep on their stupid bickering while I just keep looking out of the window .

Tolom is my new home . Not that it feels like it , but then again no place has ever felt like home to me . I never belonged anywhere , so I am not familiar with the concept . But mom is determined to make this small town our home .

Hopefully it works out for her .

This town is like a miniature of Vegas , but with wealthier people . Not everyone of course , but there are some neighborhoods reserved specifically for rich people , where only vast mansions and fancy houses can be seen . I live in one too by the way , my grandpa's house .

« Hannah , you still didn't tell me where you live though . Iker and I are close nearby but I don't know about you . »

Paget says turning her gaze to me . In her haste to get me in the car and thanks to her non ending blabbing she didn't bother asking that crucial question .

« I live nearby too , in Quarry street ... »

«  What ? » Both of them ask at once . I look at them. With slightly wide eyes and drawn brows .

« What's so surprising ? » I ask with an annoyed tone .

She side eyes me incredulously . « Well , for instance me and Iker live there , his house is just behind mine , and also Quarry Street is one of the places where extremely rich people live , like really really wealthy . »

And I don't look one of those people . I get it .

« Well , I live there . » Unfortunately , since these two are my neighbors now . God could this day get any worse ?

« You bought a house there ? » Iker asks eyeing me curiously . I sigh and answer .

« It must be Blevins' mansion since he passed away and because he has no other family , probably Hannah's bought it , right ? » Her gaze is still focused on the road .

So my grandpa was known as a lonely person . Guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree .

« Actually , he's my grandfather . »

Just when she rounds the corner to our neighborhood , she stops the car abruptly startling us . Her wide eyes find mine .

« Oh my God ! You're his heir ? » She asks in awe and I nod because I guess I am .

Iker is just silently watching us from the backseat but I could feel his eyes on me .

« Wow . I mean ... I am sorry your grandpa died but ... wow ! » She says as she starts the car again . I nod and look ahead as I glance my new home nearby . It is a big and tremendous mansion , especially for two people , painted in a faint beige glowing under the lights illuminating the place and visible even from the tall black gates in front of which tall black suited men stand in guard . There are guards everywhere here , glaring and snarling at anyone deemed not belonging here . Paget parks her car in front of another house just next to mine . Please tell me it's not hers !

We get out and the guards in front of her house rush to her , taking the keys to park it for her . Her house is actually smaller compared to grandfather's , with a fountain at the middle of the entrance and a stamped driveway surrounded by green trimmed lawn .

« Thank you for the ride . »

I start walking away and she catches up to me , stopping me . « Wait ! Since we're neighbors and all maybe you can come in for a while , we can watch a movie or something , the three of us . » She says clapping her hands and smiling widely . Iker stands next to her like a statue , only watching me strangely.

« Thank you for the offer but I can't . »

She drops her hands . « Oh right . First day in a new school and all . Maybe next time then , neighbor . » She waves at me as she starts going inside with her friend . I barely lift my lips reluctantly trying to force a smile then turn around and leave , finally breathing after their suffocating presence . I was never an extrovert or an expert in socializing and I am not interested in leaving my bubble where only I am friends of myself .

In this world , I only trust Hannah . I trust nobody else and I have no plans of doing so anytime soon .

Inside I am welcomed by a warm scent of caramel . Who knows what Beth , our cook , has prepared for us tonight . She is a very kind woman who has been scolding me because of my weight ever since I came here , one of the many reasons I wear large clothes . My mom is sitting in the living room when I go there after changing my clothes and washing my face . I wasn't wearing makeup , I never wear it anyways it feels heavy on my face . I tried it once because my mom insisted that I should be more feminine but then I never wanted to ever touch it .

She lifts her head smiling up at me and looking away from the big TV screen in front of her . I sit beside her .

« How was your first day ? »

Disastrous .

« Good . » I say smiling tightly hoping she won't notice . Her on the contrary looks relaxed and all happy . I like seeing her this way , in fact that might be the first time I see her smiling like that , as if a heavy weight lifted from her shoulders .

« You look ... radiant . What happened ? »

She sighs and looks away . « It's true , Hannah . All of this . I didn't allow myself to get used to this until today . I saw the papers and numbers and ... » She squeezes her eyes shut . « I've got to tell you , your grandfather seems like a really amazing businessman with very few debts and a good deal of partners . We have nothing to worry about anymore , it's all over . »

She cups my cheek and I lean into her touch .

It's true .

We can finally live . We can finally breathe .

Or maybe we can just catch a breath ?

Damn my doubting nature that never allows me the benefit of loosening up or letting go of things , never ever . But honestly I am willing to learn .

Because I am tired , so tired of worrying .

My mom smiles at me and I smile back at her , my smile stretching an inch wider than usual .

That's a good start I guess .

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