Yeah that's right cause we have ash Maggie and Sasha and Jesus here rick told us

And enid Ellie told him then enid walks downstairs

Hey um-

What's wrong Sasha asked

Nothing just...she chuckled

Come outside she told us Then we come outside seeing people coming out

What's going on Maggie asked

Hey so if you don't remember I'm Bertie and I own my life to you all twice over a bunch of us do enid says that you want Gregory go get us to fight the saviors with you is that true she asked I stepped out

Yes that's true I told her

Do you think we can win that we really could beat them us she asked

I do Maggie said Then Bertie sighs

Well enid says you could show us the way she said to Maggie I smiled at Maggie then rick

I'm ready she said

Me too man said trying in saying they were ready
It's a start michonne said as we are walking to the gate

We'll get more it still won't be enough Sasha told us

No it won't Rosita said

Well we find the right stuff then maybe we don't need the numbers daryl said

Blow 'em up burn to the ground daryl said

You said there wasn't just soldiers with the saviors that there were workers there people didn't have a choice Tara told him

We gotta win daryl told her

We need more hands another group Negan has outposts the geography the distance works against us we gotta get back if they come looking for daryl we need to be there Rick tells us

You don't have to get back not yet Jesus told Rick as we looking at him He pulled out a walkie-talkie

It's one of theirs long range we can listen in keep track of them he told us

So if we're not going back what are we doing then michonne asked

I think it's time we introduced you to Ezekiel king Ezekiel Jesus told us I smiled nodded my head

King? Rick question

He saved my life Jesus is right I told him
We arrived at the A place We all get out of the car

It's called the kingdom rick asked

Yeah I didn't name it how much farther Rick asked

Well technically we're already here I mean we're always here Jesus told Rick

But here we are at the kingdom we'll it's outer edge he said Then daryl gets up

Hey what the hell we waitin on daryl asked

Waiting for them Jesus said pointing at the horses

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