Self help

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On the bus with Glenn Maggie Tara Abraham Rosita Eugene myself Ellie and Cameron I looked at the window then I feel a tap on my shoulder then I looked up to see Ellie

You okay she asked

Yeah Just worries about dad I told her

Yeah I know but he will be okay she tells me I nodded it then I looked at Cameron talking to everyone I smiled he look like he was in the group

It's getting a little messy for you rosita tells Abraham

Gettin' ready for retirement relaxin' the grooming standards thinkin' shout becomin' a plumber a sheepherder or something he tells her

Something you would do I speak up Glenn chuckles a little bit

You ain't herdin' sheep joe Abraham eyes on the prize she tells him

Damn right he tells her

That's my girl Abraham said

Maybe I'll let you shave me down all over dolphin-smooth Abraham tells her

I'll cut it for you tonight she tells him

Yes ma'am he said

I'm not listening to that I speak up again tara laughs

Does Ellie do that she asked I widen my eyes to looked at her then Cameron started to laugh

Not saying I don't talk about that I said having my fingers in my ears Abraham started to chuckled

Leave the girl alone he chuckled

Hey maybe rosita can give you a trim while she's at it tara tells Eugene

Party's getting a little long in the back or is it you source of power she said I laugh

And me thank you I need one too I told her smiling

I love your long hair it's very curly Ellie tells me

Well I want to cut it you know I told her

Then I can cut it she asked

Carl told me story's when you cut his hair I'm good I told her Cameron chuckled then I looked at Ellie she laughed

He's is liar she tells me

I'm trusting you on this I told her she nodded her head

Yes boss she said I chuckled I kiss her head Then I looked at the window then she holds my hand then she lays on my shoulder then she puts her legs on my legs

I ain't slayin a lion anytime soon Eugene spoke up

I Wouldn't be placing any wagers on seein me dispatch a thousand philistines with the jawbone of an ass he tells her

Oh so you'll just settle in saving the world right? Tara asked


When he saves the world we are going marry right she asked I looked at her

Yeah that's right I told her

Well I can't wait- she was cut off something happened to the bus then it crashed I went flying out into the back of the bus

Ellie you okay I asked her

Yeah yeah I'm okay you she asked

I think I mess up my arm i told her

Shit your busted up Maggie tells me

In the head I asked

Yeah bad Glenn tells me

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