When the dead come knocking

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Carol I said looking at her

Ash she said I pick her up I took her back

Beth when are you I called to him

What's wrong ash she called out

I find Carol I told her beth opens up the door I put her in the cell

Your going to be okay i told her

Thank you she said I nod my head then I went upstairs to see Ellie is there in our cell I put my stuff down on the bed then I looked at her

Hey you okay I asked

I hear about what happened with you and dom and I don't blame you she tells me I kiss her head

I love you I told her she smiled then she pulled me into the kiss I kiss her back

Ash Ellie we need help rick cuts us off we both pulled away from kiss then we run downstairs Then we see a Black girl in a Cage

What happened I asked

She was shot rick tells me

Let me get in there I told him

Hi my name is ash these are my people where did you find the baby formula I asked

You don't know she tells me

Look we just want to help you I told her

The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl she tells me

Glenn and Maggie right I asked

Yeah she tells me

Okay what happened Rick asked

We're they attacked Hershel asked

They were taken she tells me

Taken by who rick asked

By the same son of a bitch who shot me she tells me then I realise who it was and when she is from

Let us help you Rick tells her

Question is there a town called Woodbury and you're from there right I told her

Yes why she asked

How do you know daryl asked

Apparently i have been in two groups might be 75 survivors I don't know i told him

I think they were taken there she tells me

A whole town rick asked her

It's run by this guy called yourself the governor pretty boy charming Jim jones type she tells me

That fucking bastard still alive I told everyone

He got muscle daryl asked

Paramilitary wannabes they have armed sentries on every wall she tells us

You know a way in rick asked

The place is secure from the walkers but could slip our way through she tells us

How'd you know how to get here rick asked

Let me get a map she will show you I told Rick

They mention a prison said which direction it was in that was a straight shot she tells us

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