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Next morning I walk around rick walks to me

How's is she he asked

She's doing okay she's getting there walking really good I told him he smiled

Happy to hear that he said then he walks off I went to see Travis I knocked on the door he opened it

Hey can I come in I asked he Nods his head I sit down on the couch

I'm sorry that the way I treated you I was mad pissed off at the world and I was trying to protect Ellie you know this right I said

My wife died he tells me

I'm sorry Travis I said

Your not sorry ash you get her kill I hope you understand that He said

I'm sorry okay don't say that I'm sorry because I'm Travis I know what's like to lost someone that you fucking love Trav because I do I said then I get up I open up the door I walk off heading home I looked around this place then Ellie comes out

You okay she asked

I don't know I told her

It's okay if you don't know she tells me I nod my head

Something is getting to you I know it and you know it she said

It's something out here I said

Your not wrong tara said Ellie smiled walk over to her and hugs her

It's good to see you alive Ellie said

You too Tara said She walks off

You know sunset going down we better go inside she said I looked at it I see balloons

Is he alive ellie said talking about Glenn

He is I said smiling then I hear wood Breaking

Oh no I said the building fall down

Run I said

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