Season seven ep2 The well

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I woke up I looked around to see Morgan Carol Cameron Travis they all get up looked at me with shocked on everyone faces

Ellie wake up Carol told her she looks at me she started to cry

Ellie I groaned she ran over to me she holds my hand

I'm here babe she tells me

Oh my god ash Travis said

Your alive Cameron said

Hey don't just move just yet okay I'm going get someone Carol told me

When I am I asked

You are at the Kingdom Travis told me

Your right eye ash is gone Morgan told me I looked at him with sadness in my eyes

I need to get up I told everyone

You can't your still hurt Ellie said

Let us take to someone yeah get to know you well Cameron told me

Leave me be I told him

We should let her be she needs time someone told them I looked up to see a guy with curly hair and a tiger

It's Is that a fucking tiger I ask

Yeah it's a tight Cameron told me

I would like to talk to ash alone he said I looked at Ellie like he knew my name

We should let them talk Morgan told everyone then they walk off

Hi do I know you I ask

I do you were in Negan's group right he asked I looked away to not look at him

I- I was I told him

When I saw see you for the first time I could see you wasn't belong in that group you kill my people he told me

Something that I regret to do I was a killer laughing at everything from him killing your people I wanted to stop I told him

I forgive you he told me I looked at him with shock on my face

But I killed your people I said

I know you did your forgiveness towards me welcome to the kingdom he said then Tiger raw 

It's been few hours since what happened I walked around seeing everything a tiger that I seen before then I see Ellie walking up to me

Hey I said hugging her she hugs me back

You scared me before she told me

I didn't mean to I told her

I know but i think Ezekiel wants to talk to you she told me

Well I will go then I said then I kiss her head then I went to talk to Ezekiel then Tiger Raws again I Took a step back

Sorry about that he said

It's fine my fiancé actually likes Tigers I told him

Ellie it's your fiancé he asked

Yeah she is I told him he smiled then he gets up he takes the chain off then tiger walks to me

She wants to he said I nod my head I pat her on the head then Ellie comes in

Can I she asked

Of course Ezekiel told her Ellie walks to the tiger she pats tiger I smiled

Now the doctor told me that you had a lot stitches I will said and take a while to heal he told me

I took a bullet for them Cameron Travis and Ellie i told him

Indeed Ezekiel said
Ezekiel and Morgan were on supplies run I was walking around then two people stop me

Can I help you I asked

You were in Negan's group they asked I looked at them

I don't know what your talking about sorry  I said then I walk off Ellie stops me.

Hey you okay she asked

I had two people stopping me seeing that if I was in Negan's group like they want to kill me or something I told her

Your here don't let them get to your head she told me I nod my head then Ezekiel and Morgan walks to me and Ellie

You Travis Cameron Ellie might be leaving tomorrow Morgan told me I nodded my head

Thank you what about you Morgan and Carol Ellie asked

Staying he told me

Can we leave now we might be going somewhere I told them

You may but I think Shiva wants to say good bye to you Ezekiel tells us I chuckled nod my head then we head in saying good bye I shake Ezekiel hand

Thank you for everything Ezekiel I told him he nod his head we see Travis and Cameron in the car we both get in Carol walks to me she held my hand

Be safe she told me I nod my head then Travis Drive Off as the gate started to open

We're heading to Hilltop Travis told me

Yeah I said

Hold on Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora