The Suicide king

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I wake up going downstairs seeing new people

What are they doing here I asked

They arrive yesterday hershel tells me

You okay baby Ellie asked

Yeah I said I taking a chair then I sit down

Your name I asked

Tyrese my sister Sasha our friend Ben Allen tyreese tells me

Ash I told him

Your eye what happened Sasha asked

Sliced off by a axe it was hanging out by the socket I told her

I'm sorry to hear that tyreese said

Yeah well shit happened I told him Then I get up then i went to my cell laying on the bed then axel comes in with food

Here you go ash he said giving me the food

Noodle I asked

Yeah he said

Thank you I said then I ate it then Ellie comes in sits down with us laying down on my knee

I'm sorry I didn't come soon as possible she tells me

You don't need to be sorry he get me good I told her

But you he would be killed you with any second she tells me

But you saved me in time I told her

I made you something she tells me she grabbed something out it's a eye patch she puts it on me my right eye

Thank you I said

Ash they are back Hershel called to me I get up I run downstairs I see him But I don't see my dad

When is him I asked

We ran into his brother He tells me

merle he's alive I asked him

He he is rick tells me I looked down

I'm sorry about dom I told him

He wasn't not some person he took eye out he tells me Then Ellie looks at Rick

I had no further charges Ellie tells him

I know and it's okay he tells her Ellie hugs Rick

I love you dad she tells me

I love you too Ellie he tells him then beth walks to me holding the baby

Do you want to hold her Beth asked

Of course I said she hand me the baby

She has your eyes I told Ellie she smiles

She does Ellie said

So what now you think the governor will retaliate beth asked

Yes Maggie told her

Let him try Glenn told her

He's coming to come back that's for sure I told them

How do you know Glenn asked

Long story I told him

Sounds like he's got a whole town we're outnumbered and outgunned ash can't see out of her right eye Carol tells everyone

We could use some reinforcements Hershel tells Rick

But the The governor is not going to give up and it's only gonna to make it worse if we're only going to fight back I told them

So you were in his group Glenn asked

Yeah I was I told him then I went upstairs Heading to my cell laying down on the bed hearing everyone talking about something

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