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We decided to stop so we can feed Judith then Glenn and Maggie comes to me hugs me

Happy your alive Glenn tells me I smiled

I guess she was with you I asked

Yeah she was scared she wouldn't find you Maggie tells me

I was shot and stab at the same time until I met Cameron he helped me back up no matter what I told them Glenn smiled then rick walks up to me

How did you do it he asked

I killed him after beating the shit out of you I wanted to stop him I was shot at the same time I was stab in the stomach I passed out on the middle of the road when I wake up until Cameron find him then we both find tyreese and Carol i was trying to find ellie and my dad I told him He smiled then A girl with a black hair come up to me

Hi my name is Tara she tells me

Ash I told my name

Ellie your girlfriend she's lucky to have you she tells you I smiled then she walks up to me

Hey she said

Hi I said

We better keep walking she tells me

We do yeah I said then we all started to walk I hold Her hand I smiled then continue to walk with guns on our back then Abraham comes up to us

Ashy he said

Abraham I said

Tell me how did you guys met he asked

Well I was out of a another group then you know things happened I told him
It was nighttime fire was up I sit down with ellie and everyone looking around I smiled

How did you get out ellie asked

I was shot and stab by the governor but I kill him i told her

I was scared I wasn't going to find you but I'm happy I did she tells me I smiled

Me too
We kept walking looking somewhere then we stop hearing something we our had guns up realising it Daryl getting something he had hands

We surrender he said I chuckled then we continue to walk Rick whistle to us

Keep close he whispered Then we do then we hear someone screaming saying help We run to them i stab the walker in the head I help him down

You okay rick asked

I'm looking way I said then I hear throwing up then I looked away

You okay kid Abraham asked

I have a week stomach but yes I'm okay I told him

Yes thank you he tells us

I'm Gabriel he tells Rick

Do you have any weapons on you Rick asked he chuckled then he looks at Michonne then he looks back

Do I look I would have any weapons he asked

We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like Abraham told him

What the man said I said

I have no weapons of any kind he tells us the word of god is the only protection I need he tells us

Sure didn't look like it Daryl said

I called for help help came he said we all looked at him

Do you have any food whatever I- I had left it just hit the ground he said

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