"Thank you. Was there anything else of interest that they said?"

He walked over, stopping in front of her. "Their conversations were all casual; nothing about what they were doing. A few of them talked about missing their families but didn't say how long they'd been away for."

She shifted her eyes to the table in thought, "When the guys with the truck came along, they all acted like they were there to hang out... But if they've been working together on this for years, that makes sense... Do you have an idea of where in the bunker the bugs are located?"

"One hasn't been picking much up, likely in a corner or covered. But the other seems to be kept with one person based on how often their voice is picked up."

"You think it could be their leader? Someone important?"

"Possibly, but they've not had a conversation that could confirm or deny that."

"Alright. Hopefully they'll start blabbing and we'll get something," she mumbled.

"We'll be listening if they do," he nodded.

"Any update on the RNC's? Who might have bought or sold them?"

"No, ma'am, we're still working on it."

"Alright, hopefully we get something soon."

"I'll go and get those reports for you."

She nodded before pulling out her phone and sending an update to her team as well as their boss to let him know her and Parker were being transferred, then she slumped into a chair and dropped her head in her arms.

"Tired, lass?"

"Price snores like a fucking buzzsaw," she answered weakly.

"Didn't have room for a good pillow," Price called out passively.

"Ah, get yourself some coffee, you'll be right as rain," Soap chuckled.

"Also had to deal with Ghost's mask watchin' me all night."

"You slept in the mask?!" Gaz asked loudly, a laugh echoing his words.

"Bloody hell, no," Ghost barked, "she's complaining because it was facin' her."

"It's creepy when you turn over and there's a fucking skull looking at you," she argued.

"It's a mask."

She shot him the middle finger, before raising her head to look at Gaz and Soap. "Anyways, how was your mission?"

Gaz looked between her and Ghost, a smile on his face. "I'm thinking much less entertaining than yours."

"Not entertaining," Price piped up. "Although they called a temporary truce, so this is all their built up tension."

"Bit of tension is fun," Soap teased, "any bruises? Bite marks?"

"Probably on her ego," Ghost quipped.

"Come here, I'll give you a bruise," she said over to him.

"Oh, someone likes it rough," Soap laughed.

The words had her stomach twisting but she kept her face masked as she pushed her chair back. "I don't have the mental capacity to deal with you all right now," she said sarcastically as she stood, "I'll see you guys after I nap."

"Come on," Soap called as she reached the door, "I'm just teasin', lass... We know you'd never put up with someone bein' rough with ya."

She rolled her eyes, but she wanted away from their gaze. "Glad you know," she called before she was out the door.

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