The investigation begins

Start from the beginning

"You can't blame me for missing you," He shrugged, pressing another kiss to your temple. "I miss all of you."

"I miss you too." You smiled sadly at him.

"Not as much as me," He muttered and you slapped his arm. "What?! I miss kissing you, hugging you, taking you out, fucking you-"

"ALHAITHAM!" You whisper-yelled and hé cackled. "There are people here!"

"Yeah, the two lovebirds who have probably done something in that bed? Who cares if they hear?"

You rolled for eyes for the millionth time. "God I can't with you."

"We can always go back to being enemies." He shrugged.

"And we'd still fall in love again." You giggled.

"How about this; next week I'll take a day off. Albedo's been talking about some bar-mixed-restaurant and I think Childe is gonna take Pantalone and Signora."

He paused.

"If he doesn't get arrested, that is."

You groaned. "Can we not talk about that?"

"Sorry," he chuckled, holding onto your hand and bringing it up to his mouth to press a kiss to your knuckles as an apology. "But yeah, albedo suggested it to like everyone; I think he might be taking Kaeya."

You gasped at that. " Cyno was thinking about taking tighnari as another birthday gift. We can go next week, and we can sit at a private table and just have a date night. Deal?"

You smiled. "Deal."

"And then I can finally have you scream my name aft-"

You slapped his forearm once again and he broke out into laughter and you got up. "Your 8 minutes is over."

"That was so clearly 6!"

"1 minute cost for each time you mention fucking!"

"That is NOT fair!"

You ignored him, heading out back to the kitchen to continue making breakfast for everyone while you thought of what you needed to do today.

After Alhaitham leaves, you'd have to head over to Dainsleifs with Capitano to talk about what happened and how the Akasha got stolen; you'd have to share with them about how Childe was the main suspect too, knowing you'd need your help to prove his innocence.

As you started to make Signora's coffee, you thought of what leads you had; So far, all you knew was that the same person who killed Damslette tried to kill Xiao. You could maybe start off with finding out where Xiao was supposed to be that night, and you'd start off with asking his friends.

"You look like a housewife."

You turned to find Signora already sitting down in the kitchen table and you laughed, putting her coffee down before gathering what you needed for Pantalone's and yours.

"I wouldn't mind being a housewife." You shrugged. "Not now though- like maybe in my 50's. I'd at least want to work for a while, become rich and give my kids a super nice life just like how my mom and dad did for me and Xiao."

"So, you and Alhaitham want kids?" She grinned.

You looked at her, absolutely shocked and Alhaitham walked out of your room holding his coffee, freezing at the sentence. "Uh, what are we talking about?"

"Have you guys ever talked about wanting kids?!"

Alhaitham chocked on his own spit and you wanted to strangle her. "We're not even married yet!"

Love the mask, time to bring it back (Alhaitham x F!Reader SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now