Chapter 6

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Readers pov

"Alright we have three new members joining the Shinryu guild why not introduce yourselves." I said looking at them as Mash was the first to introduce herself then the siblings Akame and kurome were next to introduce themselves. "Also remind that Kurome doesn't really share her snacks or else she might kill you." Akame reminded. "Noted." Kaoru and Jun said.

"Oh we also got news about the third and fourth events." Jun said. "Oh." I said. "The third event is a collecting event while the fourth event is a defense style one." Aki said. "So a battle of speed and defense." I said. "I would suggest we get people who can gather orbs quickly and people who can defend the base for the fourth event." Kaoru said. "We also got to take in account there will be a good amount of magic users in these events." Jun said. "So we need mages as well since Aki is the only mage." I said. "Your kinda a mage as well has your mp drop whenever using those abilities." Jun said. "Now that I've notice yeah but not a lot." I said looking at my stats. "Since my stats are put into intellect, strength, dexterity, and vitality. Since I'm not a glass canon but I can put up good damage." I said.

"I would say we gather one more member so we don't have Aki pulling all the weight in the magic department." Jun said. "I'll go, Kaoru can you watch over while I go scout out members." I said looking at Kaoru. "You got it." Kaoru said as I left the guild house.

Third person pov

Blake walked out of the forest and into the open valley. Maybe to see if anyone is out in the field probably to test skills on monsters since knowing if done near a town a lot would go down. She kept looking as she saw sheep monsters flurrying off as she looked up seeing meteors fall. 'What the fuck.' She thought as she look to where it came from.

"That was awesome I knew the amulet would work Leo." A girl said looking at the wizard. "Yeah you always had the talent to craft things." The guy Leo said as they both looked at me.

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"What brings you out here

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"What brings you out here." The girl said. "I've mostly been scouting members for my guild since with the events coming up." Blake said. "She's got a point Leo we would be put in separate guilds temporarily when the event comes." The girl whispered to Leo. "I know Reina." Leo said as he looked at Blake. "Any strings attached." Leo said. "No strings or anything." Blake said. 'Even when she speaks she's not lying.' Leo thought to himself even with being a wizard he can analyze his opponent seeing what class and skills they have.

"So what do you say." Blake said as Reina and Leo looks at each other and nodded. "We'll join your guild." Leo said as Blake nodded sending the to guild invites which they accept receiving the passive skill Guardian Dragon. "Only activates when near the leader." Leo said looking at his stats bumped up. "Amazing." Reina said. "It also depends on my strength and vitality stats the higher they are the better the passive." Blake said. "Oh yeah I'm Blake." She added. "Leo and this is Reina." Leo said as Reina did a small wave. "Well I welcome you two to the shinryu guild. I suggest we head back so I can introduce you to the other members." Blake said taking the two back to the guild house.

-At the Guild house-

Readers pov

"Alright everyone I have gathered two members for the guild Leo and Reina." I said introducing them. "So it seems we're ready for these events." Jun said. "Yeah with the third and fourth events relying on team work I'm sure we got enough firepower for this event." Kaoru said. "Even so we don't know what each of us do." Aki said. "She's got a point." Akame said.

All of us discussed what our skills do along with how it can help us with upcoming and future events. "So to get the simplicity of our leader she has the abilities of all dragon elements along with expert swordsmanship." Leo said. I then shared my status screen showing my skills and passives. "I'm more of an offensive power house almost opposite of maple." I said. "Maple as in the great shielder user." Aki said as I nodded. "In the fourth event I would believe she will be a formidable opponent along with Mii and Payne." I said. "Great shielders focus on defense or vitality since they would me immovable fortresses and also we don't know what skills maple possess." Mash said. "She's got a point." Jun said. "I'll say this event with the use of the dragon elements it will drain my mana but I can regain some if I absorb of one of the elements. "Like when you absorbed all the mages fire balls during the first event." Aki said. "I saw it as well when that happened I thought it was impossible." Leo said.

"Yeah even if maple were to use a poison attack I can absorb the poison." I said. "She used the hydra armor set along with its skill able to summon three hydra heads to spit poison." Aki said. "Though I am mostly excited for the defense style event can put the skills on full display." Kaoru said. "Even so the third event will start in a bit." Jun said looking through the menu. "I see so the third event is a cowbell hunt." Jun said. "So slaying cow mobs quick to collect the bells." Akame said. "Well everyone let's do this event to make our guild stand out." I said putting my hand in the center as everyone did the same. "Fly high Shinryu." We all said being teleported to the third event.

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