"Mmm, 8:45-2:45."

"Damn okay. Is that the Courtney lady?"


"It's late. Don't you need sleep?" I asked.

"I'll be fine."

"If you fuck up her tattoo-"

"I've pulled all nighters and still did good. I'll sleep fine, love." Hale squeezed my leg and I hummed.

Fingers gently digging into my throat.

Something about this was... peaceful.


We parked in an empty lot.

I looked at the time, only 11:34.

Nothing changed.

The same calmness. Same touches.

"Ever think you'll get a tattoo?" Lore asked.

"I'm thinking about it. Maybe."

He hummed.

"Do your piercings hurt other... women? And does your tongue gross people out?" I asked.

I kept my eyes shut after, not trying to overthink my ridiculous question.

"Nope. Both are successful." Lore chuckled behind me.

I nodded.

"It can be hard to get used to both though." Hale said.

I swallowed, Lore gripping a bit harder.

"Do either scare you or gross you out?" Hale asked.

I opened my eyes, looking at him.

His face held a small grin, eyes shooting down to my mouth.

They both did that and it made me insanely nervous.

"I don't know. Yours scares me, yours is honestly unfathomable." I said first to Hale the second to Lore.

"Is that like... you can't imagine it?" He asked.

"Yeah." I turned my head back to the front of me, avoiding his eyes.

"Switch?" He looked back at Lore and Lore nodded.

Hale leaned toward me, kissing my temple.

Him and Lore swapped places, my body utterly cold without their hands on me.

I never imagined I would be a woman with a man, let alone two.

But they got back into the car and Hale was in the middle of the back, leaning forward a bit.

Lore had his arm on the elbow rest, Hale looking at it like it was terrible what he had just done.

"What?" I smiled, looking between Lore's arm and Hales face.

"Blocked my fucking view. Asshole." He pushed at Lore's arm and he laughed.

"Sorry you're a damn weirdo for not using the arm rest that's here when you fucking drive." He rolled his eyes.

I shook my head, looking out the window.

"Such a pretty girl." Hale whispered and I turned my head.

Lore looked at him and murmured something in Russian.

Although I hated not understanding, it was so hot.

They looked at each other with almost a knowing look as they spoke in their language.

A small smile on Hale's part as he nodded.

"What?" I asked.

"No. He wants me to gross you out. He's being an idiot." Lore shook his head.

"I don't believe you." I studied his face.

"That's fine." He shrugged.

"I get the vibes then that you're the "grosser" of the both of you?" I asked.

They looked at each other with a small smile.

"Mmm... that's a stretch sweetheart." Lore tilted his head.

"I feel very not included." I frowned.

"You wanna be included?"


"You wanna know what he really said?" Lore studied me.


He undid my seatbelt as his seat shot all the way back, one of his hands sliding under my thigh closest to him as his other came on my side furthest from him and he pulled me over the console, onto his lap like I weighed nothing.

He adjusted me until I was perfectly straddling him.

I just gaped... the process occurring faster than my heart could keep up with.

Or my brain. Or anything really.

"Want me to continue?" He asked, his blue eyes pinned on my face.

Hale was grinning, almost menacingly.

"Yeah." I took a sharp breath as his fingers raked through my already fucked up bun and pulled my head back as his tongue moved from the center of my chest, up until my chin.

The split separated around the center of my throat and I gasped, my fingers clutching his shirt in my hands.

"I hope you like being involved, love. You're mostly what we talk about." Hale smirked, cocky.

I was more than heated.

"Involved." Was all I said with a shaky nod.

They both laughed.

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