Part 9

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Leticia slowly opened her eyes, only to be greeted by an impenetrable darkness. Panic flickered at the edges of her consciousness as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. She felt an overwhelming sense of blankness as if her mind was submerged in a thick fog. It was a disconcerting sensation, a void where there should have been thoughts, memories, and the familiar comfort of her own bed.

She willed herself to move, just to make sure she still had control over her body. Tentatively, she lifted her right foot, feeling the solid, cool ground beneath her. The texture was smooth, almost unnaturally so, and it was cold to the touch. Her foot connected with the surface again, a small reassurance in the midst of her confusion. She was standing on something, not floating aimlessly in space. That was a small comfort, but it didn't answer the question of where she was.

Leticia took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling in a slow, deliberate motion. She could feel her heart beating steadily, a rhythmic pulse that kept her anchored to reality. 'How weird,' she thought, the words echoing in the silence around her. She remembered clearly going to bed, the softness of her mattress, the warmth of her blanket, and the comforting darkness of her room. But this darkness was different. It was oppressive, consuming everything in its path, leaving no trace of light or shadow.

She scanned her surroundings, her eyes straining against the blackness. There was nothing. No walls, no ceiling, no floor that she could discern beyond the tactile sensation under her feet. It was as if she was standing in the middle of an endless void. A chill ran down her spine, not from the cold ground, but from the realization that she was utterly alone in this place.

"Hello?" she called out, her voice sounding small and tentative in the vast emptiness. The sound echoed back to her, distorted and eerie, amplifying the sense of isolation. She waited for a response, any response, but none came. Silence enveloped her once more.

Her mind raced, trying to piece together any clues. Was this a dream? A nightmare? It felt too real, too tangible to be just a figment of her imagination. Yet, it didn't adhere to the logic of the waking world. The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep, and now she was here. Wherever here was.

Leticia took a cautious step forward, her foot sliding along the ground, searching for any change in texture or incline. Nothing. She took another step, and then another, moving slowly, cautiously, into the unknown. She held her hands out in front of her, hoping to touch something solid, something real. But there was nothing but more darkness.

As she moved, she tried to steady her breathing, to calm the rising tide of anxiety threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn't afford to panic. She needed to think clearly, to figure out what had happened and how to get out of this place. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to remember if there had been anything unusual before she went to bed. Had she heard a strange noise? Seen something out of place? But nothing came to mind.

Opening her eyes again, Leticia steeled herself and took another step. She had to keep moving, keep searching for answers. There had to be something in this darkness, some clue, some way out. She refused to believe that she was trapped here forever

"Hello, my grandchild," a deep, resonant voice echoed in the darkness.

Leticia flinched badly. "Who the fu—"

Realization hit her hard. Of course, all the shenanigans happening in her and her family's life were his doing. Standing before her was a tall male with a dark complexion and nearly white hair, the one who had snapped her out of her thoughts earlier. This bastard.

"Now, now, my grandchild, don't curse this poor old ma—"

"I'm not your fucking grandchild!" she spat at him, venom lacing her words. "You damn GoD, you have a lot of explaining to do. Wait till my father hears about this!" she threatened, her voice shaking with fury.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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