Part 8

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Cale Henituse was cursing his curiosity. He had been enjoying his slacker life to the fullest with his ch- wards before a certain Thames girl appeared and turned everything upside down. He regretted bringing her to the Henituse estate; he should have handled everything secretly, it's all that GoD's fault!

Cale was well aware that people paid to gain information about him after he helped the heroes from the sidelines, but for some reason, the citizens thought that the war against white star was won because of him, Such a Misunderstanding, but when he learned that the girl was from the Thames Family, his curiosity got the better of him. He knew very little about the Thames Family, and that curiosity had led him into this mess. As the saying goes, 'Curiosity kills the cat,' and Cale had learned that lesson the hard way. 

The biggest problem weighing on Cale's mind was that the girl knew his deepest, most closely guarded secret—one he would rather take to his grave. How could he not worry? If she decided to reveal it, his life as he knew it would be over. He doubted his family would accept this at all, and the thought of it being exposed filled him with dread and frustration, he needed someone to dump all his frustration into

And who was better at it than his sworn brother

Cale and Choi Han teleported to the Emperor's palace, where they found the Emperor buried under a mountain of paperwork. His tired eyes and deepening eye bags betrayed another sleepless night. Cale couldn't help but wonder why the Emperor had ever wanted to be an emperor in the first place, seeing the state he was in.

Cale sat down on the sofa as Choi Han stood beside him, Cale had a grim and serious expression which indicated to the emperor that something serious happened, The Emperor, noticing their demeanor, let out a tired sigh. "What did you do now, dongsaeng?"

Cale frowned at the assumption. "Why does my hyung always think it's me who's done something?" He felt unjustly accused.

The Emperor chuckled. "Well, then, what brings you here unannounced? My dear dongsaeng."

Cale took a moment to organize his thoughts. He needed to explain that a girl from the future had arrived in the past and knew his secret identity. Additionally, he felt it was important to mention that she was a Thames. He pondered the sequence in which to present this information to the Emperor before opening his mouth

"A thames girl from the future came to me and said she knows I'm not the real Cale" 

Alberu Crossman, the former crown prince and the first in line to the throne fought with his half-siblings played a lot of politics, and was sentenced to loads of hard work to gain his title without much backup, and then became the King of Roan Kingdom with the help of his dongsaeng and their companions which then resulted of him becoming the Emperor of the now Roan Empire was not ready for that at all

Understand him! He cares and loves his dongsaeng very much but he genuinely hoped that he would stop his bad habit of dropping bombs at him, he might have heart failure if this goes on! he was about to choke on air but as elegant as he is stopped himself from choking with a handkerchief and took a sip of water as if he wasn't about to choke just now

 The mention of a girl from the future caused his heart to skip a beat and the revelation that she knew Cale's secret made his blood run cold.

With each word, Alberu felt the room closing in on him, the implications of Cale's words echoing in his mind like a thunderous drumbeat. A girl from the future, aware of Cale's true identity, and a member of the Thames family no less. It was a revelation that threatened his dongsaeng very much, the only ones who should know about the transmigration should be Choi Han, him, Cale, the children, Sui Khan, Choi Jungsoo, and lastly the now Kim Roksoo

Despite the gravity of the situation, Alberu knew he had to remain composed. He took a deep breath, steadying himself as he processed the information. His mind raced through the possibilities, each one more concerning than the last. He couldn't afford to panic right in front of his dongsaeng

"Tell me from the beginning, what happened?"

Leticia had a lot of memories with her Uncle Ron, once she wanted to terrorize her father by giving him an utterly disgustingly sour lemonade so she asked Ron for a recipe, her father was too much of a fool for his children so he couldn't say no to something she made, he afterward gave Ron to do some work outside the mansion so he can stay away from him for the rest of the day, he already had a vicious assassin who likes to torture him by lemonade for his own amusement and a wife who would give him a whole glass of lemonade every time he coughed up blood so he doesn't need another person to give him that disgusting tea thank you very much

And that another time Ohn unnie tried to cook for everyone because she thought she at least needed to learn basics in case there was no one to cook food or if she ever decided to travel somewhere, she would very much appreciate not getting starved again, big brother Beacrox decided to watch and guide her, well let's just say she was banned from getting even near to the kitchen for her whole life, she silently sulked for a good two hours before getting on with her day again

She silently eyed the cup of lemon tea Ron gave her, she also had a few good memories with her mother but it didn't matter now, she eyed Ron who was standing there with his benign smile, he earlier knocked on the door to serve their 'guest', he must have had the urge to terrorize her with his lemon tea, she silently smirked, well unfortunately for him she preferred sour lemonade to the sweet one unlike her dad, so ron in her time line always gave her a disgustingly sweet lemonade and a sour lemonade to her dad which they secretly swapped with each other

She drank the tea with a smile, it's been a long time, at least 5 to 6 years since Ron died and from that day she never touched lemon again, her dad won't say but he also missed lemonade very much, having this nostalgic taste after years she secretly was very happy

Ron observed the guest in front of him, she was smiling while drinking his sour lemonade, a sight he hadn't expected, the girl had an uncanny resemblance with his young master, he said that this girl was someone from the late countess family, he can actually see that, the red hair of hers was identical to his young master and the late countess and he didn't trace any magic on her hair so that red hair wasn't dyed by magic or even dyed by color, he was an assassin so he'd have smelled the color but he confirmed that her hair wasn't dyed by anything and the lady also looked young, maybe in her early 20s or a few years younger

he decided to observe her further

I am sorry guys, I might be disappointing you with small chapters but I thought that small chapters are better than not posting for 2 - 3 days more, I will add flashbacks from time to time so look forward to it! 

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