Chapter 4

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Billos, seated with a sense of urgency, connected the communication device to reach Young Master Cale. Having arrived at the Henituse duchy discreetly, Billos had secured an audience with Duke Deruth Henituse, who, aware of his role as an accomplice, permitted him access. The gravity of Billos's demeanor prompted the duke to consent, acknowledging the urgency of the matter.

On the other end of the communication device, Young Master Cale appeared with the three children he had taken under his wing. Billos, wearing a sincere smile, greeted him, "It's been a while, Young Master. This merchant has something to share with you. Are you free right now?" The air held a hint of gravity, foreshadowing the importance of the message Billos was about to convey.

Cale, just back from a leisurely farming session with the children, sensed weariness settling in. The abrupt communication from Billos stirred an unusual unease, disrupting the tranquility he sought in his slacker life. Slightly fatigued, he prompted Billos to get straight to the point, his expression marked by an anticipatory furrow.

Billos, attuned to the urgency in Cale's voice, wasted no time in delivering the message. "Young Master, this very evening, a mysterious girl graced my humble shop. After placing her orders, she generously handed me a significant sum—20 gold coins. Her request? Information about current affairs, with a particular emphasis on details concerning your slacker life. I deemed it crucial to apprise you promptly." As Billos concluded, a shiver ran down Cale's spine. Annoyance etched across his features, the disruption to his envisioned life of tranquil farming and slacker pursuits palpable.

The mighty dragon, Roan Miru, a mere 7 years old yet exuding grandeur, exclaimed with the innocent curiosity of youth, "Human! This seems suspicious. Looks like you won't be able to rest again. Human, why is this happening? Is it the fault of the gods again?" Despite the dragon's concern, Cale responded by softly patting his head, a gesture to reassure the inquisitive creature.

In the midst of the dragon's queries, Cale shifted his focus to Billos's report. "What does she look like? Was she a noble, a commoner, or a traveler?" Cale's inquiry carried a keen interest, prompting Billos to draw a sharp breath before divulging the details. "Shockingly, she had the same red shade of hair as you, with green eyes. By the looks of it, she seemed noble. She booked an entire floor and gave 20 gold coins for this information."

Cale, momentarily stunned by the uncanny description, swiftly regained his composure. "Give her some vague information. There's no need to tell her everything. Write what is known in public," he instructed Billos with a measured decisiveness. The merchant nodded in acknowledgment. As Cale disconnected the communication device abruptly, the 13-year-old Ohn/On, in her car form, cast a look of pity toward her guardian. With a subtle shake of her head, she conveyed an understanding of the recurrent disruptions to the slacker life he had hoped for, a life now entangled in unforeseen twists and turns.

Internally, Cale grappled with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. A girl with the same distinctive red shade of hair as his own had surfaced, triggering a cascade of thoughts. Could she be connected to the elusive Thames family, emerging from hiding? Why now, just as he was getting closer to the slacker life he longed for? These questions echoed in his mind, stirring a sense of internal turmoil.

Unbeknownst to Cale, his trusted butler, Ron, had approached with a cup of lemon tea, wearing his customary benign smile. However, Ron's keen eyes had caught wind of the conversation, and as he overheard, a subtle transformation occurred. His gaze turned sharp, betraying a heightened awareness of the situation.

"Young master, here's your favorite lemon tea," Ron stated calmly, presenting the cup. The contrast between the benign smile and the sharpness in his eyes hinted at the depth of his understanding and the potential implications of the unexpected revelation.

How It Started~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें