Chapter 2

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The library she entered, once a sanctuary of books and knowledge, had undergone a metamorphosis into a charming cafe. Leticia approached it, a hint of surprise etching her features, and observed the name plate with curiosity. "The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry," she mumbled, the words resonating with an unexpected charm.

As she stepped inside, the air was infused with the comforting aroma of brewed tea and the soft hum of conversations. The familiar bookshelves were replaced by cozy nooks adorned with cushions, inviting patrons to linger over a cup of tea and delve into the magic of words.

Leticia's hand instinctively reached for her spatial bag, a silent prayer on her lips that it hadn't disappeared in the temporal shift. Relief flooded her as her fingers met the familiar texture. Her dad's gift, a generous sum intended for a shopping spree with academic friends, was still safely tucked inside.

She chuckled to herself, "Must be around 25 billions," she said casually, acknowledging the considerable amount. In this altered reality, her father's gift became a lifeline, providing her with the means to navigate this world and potentially uncover the secrets that would lead her back to her own time.

With newfound determination, Leticia embraced the unexpected, savoring the blend of tea and poetry that surrounded her. The journey ahead, veiled in the fragrant steam of uncertainty, awaited her exploration.

Leticia approached the café owner, a warm smile gracing her lips. "I want to book the whole upper floor for myself," she declared, her voice carrying a tone of quiet authority. With a graceful gesture, she placed three gold coins on the counter, their worth far exceeding the modest request.

Billos Flynn, the cafe owner, felt a sense of déjà vu wash over him as he heard her words. A knowing smile played on his lips as he responded, "Of course, Lady. Welcome to 'The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry.'" The subtle acknowledgment in his gaze hinted at a connection beyond the immediate, as if threads of destiny had woven their paths together.

The sound of clinking coins resonated, sealing an unspoken agreement. Leticia's booking of the upper floor unfolded not just as a reservation but as a catalyst for a series of events, setting the stage for the next chapter of her journey in this peculiar, time-altered world.

As Billos Flynn prepared to personally serve the mysterious lady, his keen eyes couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance she bore to the esteemed Supreme Commander of the Allied Force, young master Cale. The rarity of their shared red hair, a feature so uncommon, sparked a flicker of suspicion in his observant mind.

With each step he took, Billos couldn't shake the uncanny similarity that played out before him. The lady, seemingly hailing from a wealthy background, carried an air of elegance reminiscent of the esteemed commander. A thread of connection, elusive yet palpable, wove through the atmosphere.

As he attended to her needs, Billos observed the subtle nuances of her demeanor, the way she held herself, and the glint in her eyes. The tea shop, once a haven for ordinary encounters, now became the stage for a clandestine drama, and the mysterious lady at its center seemed to be harboring secrets that begged unraveling.

The fragrant aroma of tea filled the upper floor, intertwining with the air of curiosity that surrounded this unexpected meeting. Billos Flynn, the astute cafe owner, found himself caught in the currents of a tale that went beyond the ordinary, a tale in which the presence of this red-haired lady might be the catalyst for something extraordinary to unfold within the walls of "The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry."

Leticia's gaze lingered on Billos Flynn, the cafe owner, and an uncanny resemblance struck her – he bore a curious likeness to a certain individual from her timeline, someone often cheekily referred to as a piggy bank. Suppressing any hint of disrespect, she refrained from drawing parallels between the cafe owner and that particular memory.

As Billos approached with a tray cradling the lemon tea she had ordered, the fragrant steam twirled upwards, wrapping the upper floor in a comforting warmth. The citrus-infused aroma danced delicately, and Leticia found herself savoring the anticipation of the first sip. Unlike her father, who harbored a profound disdain for the mere sight of lemons, she had developed a subtle liking for the refreshing beverage.

A flicker of memory surfaced, casting a tender smile on Leticia's lips. She recalled the amusing spectacle of Uncle Ron serving her father lemon tea with a benign smile. Her father, internally wary of the formidable assassin, never voiced his complaints. The scene unfolded like a hidden comedy, adding a touch of amusement to the family dynamics.

As Billos carefully placed the cup of tea on the intricately designed table, Leticia's thoughts shifted to Uncle Ron. A wave of nostalgia washed over her as she remembered him fondly. He had been a stalwart presence in her childhood, a mentor and protector. However, Uncle Ron had succumbed to the passage of time, leaving a void when he passed away in her twenties.

The pang of missing him lingered, casting a momentary shadow on Leticia's expression. Yet, with a swift and practiced grace, she regained her composure. Billos, with a bow that hinted at both humility and dignity, offered his service.

"Feel free to ask for service when needed, esteemed lady," he expressed, the words wrapped in an air of genuine hospitality. Leticia, wearing a scammer's smile that concealed her true intentions, decided to initiate a conversation with Billos Flynn. Her eyes, sharp with curiosity, hinted at a hidden agenda as she remarked, "The tea was to my liking, Mr...?" Her voice trailed off, leaving an intentional air of expectancy hanging between them.

Billos, attuned to the subtle nuances and sensing an intriguing energy from the lady, felt a tingling of caution. The scammer smile she wore, reminiscent of young master Cale, set off subtle alarms in his perceptive mind. Could she be a secret relative of the esteemed young master, first the uncanny resemblance and then this smile a subtle acknowledgment of shared traits? These thoughts danced in Billos's mind as he maintained a polite smile, his guard subtly raised.

With a courteous demeanor, he responded, "My apologies, lady. This humble shop owner's name is Billos Flynn." The fragrant tea hung in the air, caught between the threads of a conversation laden with unspoken intentions. The scammer smile and the aura of mystery transformed the tea shop into a stage for a quiet intrigue, where each word and gesture held the potential to unravel a story that extended beyond the realms of ordinary encounters.

Billos's smile widened in response to Leticia's proposition. "Of course, young lady. What information do you need?" he inquired, his tone a blend of curiosity and readiness to comply.

Leticia leaned in slightly, her scammer smile still playing on her lips. "About all the current affairs going on with dates," she began, pausing momentarily before adding with a calculated hesitation, "And about Cale Henituse,"

which made Billos's smile twitch a little.Only one thing roaming on his mind now

"Who is she?"

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