Chapter 5

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Leticia found herself caught in a moment frozen in time, the weight of Choi Han's sword resting against her neck amplifying the gravity of the situation. The young version of her uncle, usually known for his kindness and warmth, exuded an aura that betrayed the strength of a seasoned sword master. Even in his current state, he commanded a presence that demanded respect and caution.

The oppressive air extended beyond the immediate vicinity, affecting the nearby waitstaff, who struggled to breathe in the wake of Choi Han's unintentional release of his aura. Realizing the unintended consequences, he swiftly regained control, redirecting his penetrating gaze toward Leticia. The intensity in his eyes, a stark departure from the gentle uncle she knew, sent shivers down her spine.

For Leticia, facing this unfamiliar and stern version of Choi Han was an intimidating experience. As she stood immobilized, she couldn't help but reflect on the gravity of her impulsive revelation. Her internal dialogue echoed with self-admonishment—why had she referred to him as "Uncle Han-ya" without thinking? The reality of the situation pressed upon her: this younger version of Choi Han remained oblivious to her identity, and she needed to tread carefully in this unfamiliar dynamic to navigate the complex web of uncertainties that surrounded her.

The atmosphere tightened as Choi Han's question sliced through the air, demanding answers. "Who are you?" His voice bore a complex blend of confusion and suspicion, intensified by the unconventional use of the title 'Uncle.' As he scrutinized her features, the family resemblance to Cale nim became strikingly apparent, with the distinctive red hair serving as a familial marker. A sharp inhalation betrayed Choi Han's internal realization of the potential connection.

In a swift transition, without granting her an opportunity to respond, the stern command followed, laced with a subtle yet palpable threat, "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not." The urgency in his tone allowed no room for negotiation, emphasizing that her presence held a significance that demanded immediate action. The swift decision to escort her to Cale nim underscored the gravity of the situation. Choi Han's voice, with its implicit threat, conveyed an unwavering resolve, suggesting that any resistance would be met with unyielding determination.

A nervous gulp crawled up Leticia's throat as she pondered the consequences of her direct approach to Choi Han. The unintended use of the term 'uncle' felt like an unfortunate misstep in an otherwise well-thought plan. Yet, with a firm nod, she acknowledged the situation—she hadn't endured the edge of Choi Han's sword for mere theatrics. The prospect of meeting the younger version of her father fueled her determination, adding a dramatic flair to the unfolding events. The air crackled with tension, creating a scene where every word carried weight, and every nod seemed to echo through the gravity of the situation.

Leticia gazed at the person before her in sheer awe. It was almost unbelievable—her dad hadn't aged a day. The younger version standing in front of her mirrored the image of him in his 30s from her timeline. The resemblance was uncanny, with hardly any discernible differences. The overwhelming desire to pinch his cheeks and envelop him in a tight hug surged within her. Excitement sparkled in her eyes, creating a moment where the boundaries of time seemed to blur, and the thrill of encountering her father's younger self unfolded in all its extraordinary splendor.

Leticia's gaze shifted to the two cats nestled on Cale's laps, their fur being stroked gently by his hands. Ohn and Hong, her siblings from the beast tribe, took on their childlike cat forms, exuding undeniable cuteness. As she marveled at their adorable feline appearances, anticipation grew within her to witness their human forms, undoubtedly possessing an additional layer of charm. In the back of her mind, she eagerly anticipated the presence of her older brother Raon, who, in his invisible state, added an intriguing dimension to the family reunion she was navigating. The excitement of meeting the rest of her family bubbled within her, promising a reunion filled with joy and curiosity.

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