Knee Surgery - Niall (P1)

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"There he is!" Louis said softly with open arms.

Niall was being wheeled out of the hospital after a successful surgery.

"How do ya feel, bud?" Zayn asked, putting his hand on Niall's shoulder for support.

"I don't know," Niall said honestly.

"He's still a little out of it. The medication should wear off within the next few hours. Make sure you keep an eye on him." A nurse told the boys.

They nodded and thanked the nurse.

Niall was given crutches and was told not to put weight on his knee for a while. He had pain medication for the first week or two of recovery. With lots of rest he would be back to running and Irish dancing around stage.

Zayn held Niall's back and torso to make sure he didn't fall trying to get in the car on one leg.

Niall was naturally clumsy. But drugged up and using one leg...

That's a recipe for disaster.

Niall was very slowly turning to sit down but he lightly hit his knee on the side car door.

Niall immediately hissed in pain. Squeezing his eyes closed.

Everyone else exchanged sympathetic glances towards the boy.

"Keep going, it's alright Ni." Liam said.

Harry got Niall's crutches out of the way and then helped him sit down.

Niall then attempted to buckle his seat belt but the medication was making him miss terribly. Everyone in the car was just watching and waiting for him to get it. They weren't sure if he would be offended if someone helped. He didn't like feeling like he couldn't do anything for himself.

Liam then took initiative saying, "I've got it." Quietly and buckling him so fast he barely regulated at first that it was done.

"Sheesh, Liam. You're like... ...superpowers and stuff!" Niall said groggily.

Louis chuckled a little and Harry covered his mouth but not in time.

The boys thought Niall would be really moody from the Anastasia and maybe emotional. But be was in surprisingly good spirits.

"Whas so funny?" Niall asked.

"Phhhhh, hahaha!" Louis let out and slapped his thigh.

"I was making a funny face, wanna see it?" Zayn improvised.

Niall nodded eagerly.

Zayn made a crazy face.

"Did you do it yet?!" Niall shouted and joked.

Everyone in the car burst out laughing.

"Alright that's enough." Zayn said and started the car.

Niall sat for a moment and then began looking around.

"Where is my phone?" Niall get saying.

Harry peered over at Niall, "It's in your hand, Nialler."

Niall held both his hands up.

"There it is!" Niall said when he saw the phone in his own hand.

He immediately entered the passcode and opened the camera app.

"mY hAiR!" He yelped.

"It looks nice Niall." Louis chimed.

"Thank you!" Niall said and started clapping his hands.

Louis tried to stop his but then the car hit a bump and Niall's knee moved a little.

"Ehhhhh! Oww." Niall said, grabbing his knee.

"Hey, shh, don't touch it, bud." Harry said.

"Why's it hurting?" Niall asked.

"You had an operation on it, remember?" Louis asked.

"OpErAtIoN!!!" Niall yelped and tried to inspect his secured knee.

"Yes, but it's okay. The doctor said you need to rest." Liam said, he was trying to get Niall to calm down.

The nurse didn't want him getting to exited as he could further injure himself.

"Yeah, so lay back. Go to sleep until we get back." Louis said.

Since Louis's mom was a nurse he knew how to take care of people.

"I'm not tired though." Niall said a little more calmly.

"How about you try for 5 minutes and if you don't fall asleep then you're must not be tired, alright?" Harry negotiated.

"Set the timer." Niall said lethargically.

His eyes were already rolling to the back of his head and it was making Zayn chuckle.

"Alright, I'm gonna start it." Harry paused, "Now."

He didn't really set a timer because everyone knew he would fall asleep. Niall had no chance.

Niall closed his eyes and tilted his head to rest on his palm.

3 minutes later Liam touched his arm and he didn't even flinch.

"Told ya. He's down for the count." Louis said.

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