Homesick - Zayn (Zarry)

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Every so often one of the boys would feel the effects of touring at a young age. One of which, is home sickness. Of all the boys Zayn was home sick most often, however he never let it show because he was too embarrassed.

Tonight was of of those night where Zayn was really missing his family back home. He had been laying in bed trying to fall asleep for what felt like forever. With every toss and turn in bed old memories of being a 'normal teenage boy' popped into his head.

With tears threatening to escape, Zayn sat up as quietly as he could. They were on the bus and the bunks were very squeaky.

Next Zayn drew his curtain back and swung his legs out of the bunk. A small creak made Zayn cringe. Every little movement sounded louder at night for some reason.

Zayn stood up in his sweats and hugged his arms around his torso. The action made him feel protected and comforted.

With small tip-toe steps, Zayn walked into the buses kitchen and sat down at the booth-like table, the boys always ate together at.

Little did Zayn know he was being followed by one of his bandmates. Harry's bunk was above Zayn's which meant he could always hear when Zayn got in and out of bed.

After a few minutes of watching Zayn look out the window with teary eyes, Harry crept in. Zayn didn't even notice Harry because he was in deep thought. He only reacted to Harry when Harry tapped his shoulder lightly.

The tap made Zayn jump in his seat and turn around. When he saw his bandmate he immediately rubbed the tears from his eyes.

Harry put sat down next to Zayn. He then put his arm around Zayn's shoulders.

"What's wrong buddy?" Harry whispered.

It took time for Zayn to confess but he eventually did.

"Jus' missing m' family." Zayn said with a thick accent and shaky voice.

Harry looked deeply into Zayn's eyes and smiled.

"It's ok Z. We all get home sick sometimes and it's ok to talk about it. Us and the band, we're brothers. We can say anything to each other." Harry said.

Zayn sighed in the comfort of his friend. Then Harry began rubbing his hand up and down Zayn's arm. Zayn finally cracked. He allowed the tears to flow freely down his cheeks and onto his cloths.

"Hey it's ok, really. Don't cry Z." Harry said then wiped one of Zayn's tears.

"M' sorry." Zayn whimpered.

"Don't apologize.." Harry trailed of as Zayn started looking out the window again with more quiet sobbing.

"You know what I like to do when I'm feeling down?" Harry said.

Zayn looked back at Harry again.

"What do you do?" Zayn whispered with genuine curiosity.

"I watch movies with the lads. You should try it, we can watch anything you want." Harry replied.

"Even Disney?" Zayn said with a childhood favorite in mind.

Harry smiled fondly and laughed.

"Especially Disney. C'mon let's find something." Harry said.

Both boys stood up and Harry led Zayn to the sofa. It was the middle of the night but neither boy cared.

Upon sitting down the boys cuddled together. Zayn felt warm in and safe in Harry's arms, even if Harry was younger than him. Something about Harry's personality and attitude made him the go-to guy for most situations. He was the glue in the band that made everyone feel valued and included in everything.

"What's it gonna be?" Harry asked with the remote in hand.

"Toy Story, it's my old favorite." Zayn admitted cutely.

"Aww, of course Zayny!" Harry said and scratched Zayn's head.

Harry found the movie and turned it on for Zayn. Every few minuets Harry would look over at Zayn to make sure he was doing ok.

About halfway through the film Harry looked sideways to check on Zayn again and noticed Zayn had fallen asleep. Harry smiled again and moved to allow Zayn to stretch out next to him.

The movement woke Zayn slightly.

"Don't leave me." Zayn muttered tiredly.

He didn't even open his eyes to speak, he was so sleepy.

"I would never leave you." Harry whispered into Zayn's hair.

Zayn snuggled a little closer to Harry. He put his head on Harry's chest.

"Sweet dreams, Z." Harry said.

After that Harry clicked off on the tv and set down the remote. He wrapped his arms tightly around Zayn and closed his eyes.

Both boys slept peacefully through the night.


I hope you enjoyed my story.

Feel free to leave tips and requests in the comments.

Q & A, Zarry or Larry, which do you prefer?

Thank you for reading!!!

SmileyKoala <3

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