Broken Arm - Liam

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"I can't bend my fingers!" Liam yelped.

He had just gotten out of a pretty crazy paparazzi mob. Long story short Liam's hand got gabbed by something or someone and Niall had to come back for him.

Niall pulled Liam by his good hand out of the mob. Liam was delusional and in shock from the horrible pain in his hand.

"Paul come here! Something's happened to Liam!" Louis yelled for Paul, the boys security guard.

Liam had tears in his eyes from all the pain. He clutched his injured hand for dear life.

"This hurts so bad man!" Liam said in agony.

Harry had his hand on Liams back as support. He watched Liam and the boys examine the hand. It was red and purplish with bruises.

"Alright, alright, let me see it Liam." Paul ordered as Liam gave him his hurt hand.

Paul touched and felt around the hand. He used the bit of knowledge he'd gained in basic first aid training.

"This, does this hurt?" Paul asked, touching various parts of Liam's hand.

Liam answered yes to most areas. He kept grimacing because it hurt so bad. Paul felt bad and scared but he kept a calm exterior for the boys sake. And especially for Liam because he was the most scared. Louis was obviously the second most frightened and worried because his mom was a nurse and he knew when an injury was serious.

"Let's head to the emergency room. You'll be ok, but the doctors will help more than I can." Paul said.

"Ughh, it hurts, I really can't move it!" Liam moaned.

"I know, I know, you'll be ok. Try not to think about it Li." Harry said.

Liam stood up when the car was ready and got in with Paul. There wasn't enough room in the van for the boys and Paul to go together so Paul and Liam went first and the boys followed. That way they wouldn't slowLiam down in getting immediate medical attention for his hand.

At the hospital Liam was sent to a private room at Paul's request for privacy. They didn't need fans recognizing Liam like this, in this state. There would be no photo opportunities with One Direction tonight.

"We're going to take him in for tests and run an ex ray. We will inform you on his diagnosis as we figure it out. Any questions?" The doctor asked.

"Nope, let's get to it!" Liam rushed.

He just wanted to get to feeling better.

"No questions right now, thank you very much, ma'am." Paul answered in less of a hurry.

Soon Liam was out of the room doing tests and ex-rays. Meanwhile the boys had just arrived on Liam's room.

The boys burst through the door.

"Is Liam ok?" Zayn asked.

"Is it sprained? Broken?! Bruised?!" Louis asked.

"Will they have to cut it off!?" Niall asked.

The boys were all clearly worried about Liam.

"Woah, calm down lads. Liam will be perfectly fine." Paul said to settle the boys nerves.

After a while one of Liam's doctors entered the room. The boys perked up when they saw the door open, However it was very late now so most of the boys had fallen asleep while waiting.

"Let them sleep." Paul told Louis and Zayn, the only ones who were still awake.

Niall and Harry cold be pretty dramatic too sometimes so it might be better for them to not be awake to react if Liam's hand is broken.

"We'll we have good and bad news. Good news first, Mr. Payne will be ok and he will not be needing any surgery." The doctor said.

Paul, Louis, and Zayn all sighed in relief. Liam's hand really looked bad earlier.

"Bad news is that Liam has broken his hand in a few places and it will need to be casted for over a month." The doctor said.

"Geez." Louis muttered.

"I won't get into the details right now but obviously a break like Liam's will call for rest and less activity that could hurt the healing process." The doctor informed everyone.

After that they shook hands and the doctor left.

"So it's broken. That sounds really painful." Zayn said.

"Yeah, Ive broken a bone before and it doesn't feel good at all." Louis said.

"Should we tell Niall and Harry so we can get out of here once Liam's back?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, that sounds like a smart plan." Paul agreed.

Zayn and Louis shook Harry and Niall awake. They then told them about Liam's condition and of course they were super worried for their bandmate. Being the youngest, Niall and Harry were ver companionate and sympathetic to the other members. Sometimes they were naive and thought situations like this were more serious then they actually were. Not that Liam's broken hand wasn't a serious injury, because it certainly was.

Later Liam came out with a huge wrap with cushioning up to his elbow. It looked super heavy too. Luckily the doctors had also given Liam a sling so he didn't have to carry the huge cast.

This cast would be on for a few days before the real, plaster cast would come on.

"Liam!" The boys said in unison.

"I'm ok! Don't worry lads." Liam said.

"Oh don't be like that daddy direction. It's broken, does it hurt?" Louis said, patting Liam on the back.

"It doesn't hurt now that I'm on pain meds but it did earlier. Now I'm just tired because it's 1 am." Liam said yawning.

"We're tired too. Some of us already went to bed though." Paul said looking at Harry and Niall who still appeared to be half asleep.

"Let's get you home and rested Liam." Zayn said.

"I'll hold his stuff!" Niall volunteered because Liam now only had one useable arm and hand.

"Thanks Ni. And you guys for being here." Liam thanked.

"Are you kidding? You should be apologizing for dragging us here in the middle of the night! JUST KIDDING! Ha ha. Real talk, we would never miss being there for you Liam. Especially when you broke your arm." Louis joked and added a hint of sentimental-ness.

With that the boys left the hospital feeling glad that Liam would be ok. Liam wasn't happy that he wouldn't be able to do his robot dance moves for the fans with the cast but other than that he was much better. The boys helped take care of his too and did what they could when he needed help, as he was crippled. In the end Liam made a full recovery and was back to doing the robot. He also forgave the fans who got caught in the mob as MOST of them had pure intentions.

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