Welcome to LA baby.

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I wake to tom shaking me, i groan and i stretch before i get up and take my bag. Me, tom, and my father left the plane. "Tom, take her to this address. I'm getting a taxi to pick you up." My father says coldly as he gives tom a piece of paper before he walks off with some security guards, i scoff and I don't even look at him. He doesn't even care about me. "Let's go." Tom says to me and i follow him, we go to the airport pickup and a man waiting outside of a car calls for us, tom hesitates but he gets into the mans car, he gives the man the paper and he drives off, i look through the city and i can recognise it but i don't know where we are. "Where are we?" I ask the driver. "LA miss." He replies as he drives through the city. My eyes widen a bit when i look out the window at the city, I've never been to LA before. After about 20 minutes of driving, the driver pulls into a  secluded house, its a massive mansion. He stops the car and we get out. The house is private and big, me and tom go in and look around. The house is fully furnished. I pick a bedroom and it's got a slope. Tom of courses picks the master bedroom, over the next couple days me and tom stay in the house to stay safe, im in the garden smoking a joint as im looking down at the city in the distance. Tom comes over to me and sits down next to me. "What do you want?" I say coldly not even looking at him. "Can i have a hit?" I side eye him. "What?" I was a bit surprised to be honest. "You heard me." He says firmly. "Why?" I ask. "Because, i want a hit. So are you gonna get me have a hit or am i gonna have to steal your weed." He says coldly. "Fine." I pass him the joint, he takes a long, deep drag before slowly blowing the smoke out of his mouth as he lifted his head up slightly.

Tom passed the joint back to me and i took another drag of it. "I'm bored." I say, i pass the joint back to tom. "What do you wanna do?" He asks before taking the joint. I shrug. "Nothing to do, just stuck at this fucking house." I say annoyed. "I can take you out somewhere." Tom says, i look at him. "Where?" I ask. "Anywhere, we can...go explore LA, go to the beach, go shopping.." tom suggests as he takes another drag, i jump up slightly to face him. "Can we go to a club!" I say excitedly. "No." Tom says firmly. "What? Why! Tom, we're literally from Europe we've gotten drunk since 13 ye-" tom cuts me off. "We're in American you idiot, you have to be 21 or drink. Not even im old enough." I stay quiet. "Oh yeah." I say slightly disappointed. "We can find something else to do, i wanna show you something." Tom takes me to the garage and there's like 3 motorcycles. "Oh god not again." I say. "Yes again." Tom grabs a helmet and puts it on. "Put it on." He says as he passes me a helmet, I sign and i quickly finish off my joint before putting the helmet on. I get on the back of the bike and i hold toms waist, he speeds off down the drive away and i squirm and I wrap my arms around his stomach, he rides through the streets of LA and i watch all the people and all the crazy stores and restaurants and all the street performers. After about 10 minutes of riding through the streets tom stops and parks in a car park, i take my helmet off and i get off, tom does the same. "So what do you wanna show me?" I say. "Just follow me." He says as he walks off, i look back confused but i follow him, we walk through the streets and he walks up to a Hollywood star.

"What's that?" I read the star. "Tokio hotel?" Who the fuck spelled Tokyo like that. "It's my old band." Tom says as he looks down at the star, he looks kinda emotionally but like happy. "Your band? You were in a band?" I ask as i look at the star. "Yeah." He replies. "You didnt tell me you were in a band." I say. "Because it's in the past now." He replies also sad. "Then why are you telling me now." I ask. "Because." He replies not saying anything else. "Well now im interested, tell me everything about your band." I was actually genuinely interested. "Let's go get some food and il tell you." Tom replies before walking off again, i sign and I catch up to him. We go to a food truck and get some food before sitting down at a bench. "So tell EVERYTHING about your band." I say, tom clears his throat. "Well, it first started off with me and bill, we both loved music from the age of 6 and for my 9th birthday my stepfather got me a electric guitar for my birthday and i fell in love, ever since then i learnt how to pay the guitar and me and bill started dour own little band with just the two of us, it was called black question mark. Bill was the singer and i was the guitarist, it wasn't until a few years later me and bill met our best friends Gustav and Georg, they joined our band and Georg was the bassist and Gustav was the drummer, after we all got together we changed our band name to devilish and that's when we started to have about 10 people at every show we performed at, but then we changed our band name to Tokio hotel, but the fame really hit when we came out with our song most famous song durch den monson, we were about 16 at the time, Gustav was 17, and Georg was 18. At that point we were world wide famous, i used to have dreads and bill used to have spiky hair. After that we won over 100 awards and well i got loads of women." He chuckles. "I used to have girls waiting naked in my hotel room wherever we stayed for tour." I rolled my eyes. "Jesus tom I don't wanna hear about your sex life." He chuckles. "How come you're a bodyguard now if you were so famous." I ask and he signs sadly like he didn't want to get to that bit.

"After 2009 we decided to quit the band due to the amount of hate, we were getting harassed everywhere we go by fans and haters, poor Gustav got his head smashed in a bar by some guy, i got my braids and the fans didn't like that. We would get booed on stage and festivals, rocks thrown at us, anything they could find. We were even getting harassed and bullied by other famous celebrities, and this all started when we were 16, we were just kids. We couldn't take the hate anymore and we guilt, eventually everyone kinda forgot about us." I look at tom with sympathy and i sign. "I'm so sorry tom, that must of been really shit..." he signs and rubs his eyes. "It's fine." He replies. "Where are your two friends now, Gustav and Georg?" I ask. "They're in Germany, same as bill." I look down. "Sorry you had to move to LA with me." I apologise, i feel kinda bad for him. He looks at me and he places his hand over mine. "Don't apologise, it's my job to protect you." I look at him. "You just do it for the money." I say quietly. "Welll i did at first but I've grown since fond of you so count yourself lucky, i hate everyone." He says before getting up and looking around like he's scanning the area for danger. I get up and i look around. "What we doing now?" I ask. "Whatever you want." Tom replies, i look around and put my hands on my hips before signing. "I don't know." I say lost. "How about we go to a pub or something." Tom suggests, i look at him and i shrug. "Fuck it." We walk to a nearby pub and go inside, tom lies to the bartender about our age and it actually works, it was really busy in there. there must have been a party or something because there was Loud music and people dancing. Me and Tom are sitting at the pub as we drink. "Kaulitz, when was the last time you got drunk?" I ask, my words slurred slightly. Tom chuckles. "Like a week before i had to look after you." I chuckle. "I'm gonna get another drink." I go to the bar and i order a new drink, i turn around and i look through the crowd of people, i see tom staring down a women who's barely got any clothes on, he's licking his lips and playing his his lip piercing, i scoff and i turn around and my drink is there. I take it and I go back to tom, i sit down next to him and the girl tom was staring at gives me a dirty look before walking away into the crowd, tom gives me a glance. "Dont give me a stare tom, you ain't gonna get any pussy from that slag anyway." I say before taking a sip of my pint.

Tom rolls his eyes and he continues drinking his pint, I finish my drink and i feel sick. I lay my head down on the table. "What's wrong?" Tom asks. "I feel sick." I say muffled through my arms. "Let's go to the toilet." Tom says, he stands up and takes my arm, he guides me to the toilets but i feel really sick and then i hear my vision go and everything goes black. I collapse but tom catches me just in time, my body goes limp and dead weight and Tom panics, he lays me down on the floor and puts me in recovery position, he calls out for help.

I wake up and im in a hotel room, I've still got my clothes on from yesterday and I look to see tom shirtless in bed asleep, next to me!! What happened last night?!

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HER BODYGUARD ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now