"We need to leave tom,"

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Ever since the incident with Mabel and tom I've just been feeling worst. Ever since tom came my life been shit, i just wish he never came into my life he's literally making my life a living hell. I just wanna leave this place forever and start a new life without tom or my dad, just me. I wake up the next day at like 4AM to banging around the house and glass breaking. I sit up frozen in fear and then suddenly tom barges into my room and locking it. "Tom what the he-" he cuts me off my grabbing me and covering my mouth i stare at him in surprise. "Shut up, i think someone's breaking in." He whispers into my ear, he's so close to me I can feel his breath, i push him off me. "Stay here." He orders me and i nod, i see tom pull a gun out of his jeans from under his shirt, as soon as tom leaves the room, i get dressed instantly and pack a bag as quick and quiet as i can. I've done this before with my father when we moved last time because he got into some kind of shootout with another gang and they came for me. As i stuff the last stuff into my bag i heard gun shots, I don't know why but my heart dropped even though im used to this shit, i then quickly grabbed my weed and blade and put it in my bag. I put my bag on and i snuck out my room and I went to my father's room and grabbed his secret gun he hides and i quietly go down the stairs.

I see tom on one knee on the floor and he's looking over a body, i look more closer and the body on the floor is a random man and he's dead with a gun shot wound to the head, i go up to tom from behind. "Good shot." I say slightly impressed. He turns around and jumps slightly. "Jesus melody...i thought i told you to stay in your room, why do you have a bag on, why are you fully dressed, just what?!" He was so confused. "I've done this a million times tom, you don't think im used to it?" I say casually. "Oh." I turn the light on and i look at the man more closely, his face was half blown off but when i looked at his tattoo on his neck my stomach dropped, i knew who it was. "Shit...we need to leave Tom, can you call my dad?!" I panicked and tom stood up and grabbed my shoulders and looked down at me. "What's wrong?! You were chill a second ago." He says. "I know him! He's apart of a big gang who's more dangerous than my dad, if they're here that means they're trying to get me, trust me!" I say panicking, tom looks back at the man and curses in German under his breath. Toms phone started ringing and he asked it. "Hello?" Tom says. "Tom? I need you and melody out the house right now and to the nearest airport I'll meet you there." It was my father, he hung up without even letting tom speak, tom looks back at me and gulps. "I told you tom, this is normal but not this dangerous..." i say, tom nods and he quickly packs a bag and we head to the car, i sit in the front this time as our stuff was in the back, we drive to the nearest airport, i fall asleep in the car and tom glances at me sleep every few minutes. After about 40 minutes we arrive and Tom shakes me awake. "Melody? Wake up, we're here.." he says softly, i stir and i open my eyes, i sign and stretch. We get out the car and walk to the cafeteria, i get some crisps (chips) and a sandwich while tom tries to contact my father, he manages to call him. "Mr bates? Me and melody are at the cafeteria, where are you?" Tom asks. "Just go up to security guard and tell him you're with mr bates." He hangs up leaving tom confused and frustrated, he tells me to follow him and i do just as he says, as long as I've got my food I'll be nice to him. We go up to a security guard and tom tells him we're with mr bates and he tells us to follow him.

He takes to a jet and my father comes out of the jet and tells us to get on, we get on and we sit down on the chairs. "Really dad? A private jet?" I say surprised. "Shut up melody, this is your fault because of your stupid little fight with those girls." My father snaps, i just look at him with hurt in my eyes and i look down, my father continues having a go at me and i just look out the window  with watery eyes. Tom stares at me with a soft but sad expression. "Dont fucking cry melody, this is all your fault. We have to move to another fucking country now all because of you! You stupid bitch, you are actually fucking stupid, do you know what this does to my reputation?!" My father's shouts at me, i get up. "Yeah well be grateful I haven't been killed yet, not that you'll care. To you im just another one of your clients." I walk off to the back of the jet. "Good! At this point i should just let them kill you!" He shouts back before sitting down and downing a bottle of vodka, tom stares at my father like he's about to kill him.

How can a father say these things to his own daughter? He disgusts me. But I can't stand up to him, he's my boss... melody deserves a better father than this piece of shit, look at him, downing a whole bottle of vodka then passing out drunk? blöde Kuh. (Stupid cow.) i look back at melody smoking a joint at the back of the jet, she looks so broken and fragile, i wish i could comfort her but I can't. I'm incapable of comforting and loving.

The jet takes off and I didn't wanna spend the whole flight smelling this pigs breath so i went to the back of the jet to go see melody, she doesn't look at me and just continues to smoke her joint. "Melody?" I call her name softly. "What?" She replies coldly, she looks like she's gonna cry. "you okay?" I ask softly trying to seem not cold like I normally am. "Fucking great." She replies, i can tell she's about to flip her lid so i need to tread carefully. "How can your father treat you like that?" I say, i look back at him as he's passed out drunk on the chair before i turn back to melody. She shrugs. "How the fuck should i know? He's always been like this." She whispered the last part. "So he's never treated you with love?" I ask, my voice breaking slightly. "Yep, since the day i was born to this very moment." She replies. "I'm sorry." I reply a bit surprised to myself, im never sympathetic. "I don't even care about him anymore, he's dead to him." She replies coldly, i sign. "Do you want me to give you some space?" I ask softly. She just shrugs. "I'll leave you alone.." i say as i stand up and go to. The middle section of the jet, giving melody space and a distance away from her father.

Why is he trying so bad to comfort me, he's made my life a living hell. He's pathetic, just like my father. but at least we're starting a new life where no one knows about my father or my life at least for a few months, i look out the window as i smoke and the weeds making me really tired so i decide to go to sleep until the flight ends, i hope my father doesn't stay with me or tom when we move into the new place.

- 1388 words

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