'My new hot bodyguard.'

842 13 7

TW: mini anxiety attack

I get out the car with tom and i walk into the school with my head down, tom walked with me and closely stood next to me keeping a strong and watchful eye of me, i felt embarrassed and scared to walk into school with tom, i could hear whispering as i walked through the hallways, i felt like everyone was staring at me and judging me, oh god. I felt like someone suddenly put a heavy weight on my chest and i felt like I couldn't breath, i turn to tom. "Uh, can i go to the bathroom.." tom looks down at me and he nods, i quickly walk over to the bathroom and rush in there. Tom stands protectively outside the bathroom waiting for me, i rush in and i stumble over to the sink. My breathing was heavy and stuffy, i felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't control my breathing but then i feel a sudden urge come over me and i rush to the toilet stall, i gag and vomit as i kneel over the toilet seat, i pant and i spit in the toilet. I lean back against the cubicle wall and i take some deep breaths, i get up and flush the toilet then wash my mouth under the sink. Tom knocks on the bathroom door signalling for me to hurry up, i quickly compose myself and leave the bathroom. Tom looks at me suspiciously like he knew i was panicking but he didn't say anything.

Tom ushers me along and i walk to my class, a knot still forming in my stomach. I walk in and I instantly go straight to the back to my normal seat, my teacher stops tom when she sees him walk into the class. "Excuse sir, are you a staff member here?" Tom stops and gives her a pissed look. "I'm miss bates bodyguard now if you want to cause a scene then take it up with her father and my boss." My teacher looks a bit surprised but she knows who my father is so she doesn't put up a fight. Tom walks to where I've sat and all the girls look back and they all smile at him, great. Now everyone's gonna try and hit on my bodyguard, great. Just, great. Tom just completely ignores them and keeps his attention on me, it was both frustrating and embarrassing. I tried to concentrate but it was incredibly hard with everyone around me looking and whispering about me and 'my new hot bodyguard'.

Finally class ends and i get up, i sling my bag over my back sluggishly and stand up to leave, tom stands up from the wall and follows behind me closely. I felt something hit the back of my head, i turned around to see the girls at the back of the class giggling whispering. Tom looked back as well, he looked pissed but he didn't say anything or do anything, he just gave the girls a death stare and they all looked shocked. I sign and i leave the classroom almost slamming the door shut in toms face, he stops the door as it almost shuts and he quickly walks over to me as i storm down the hallway. Tom grabs me by my shoulder and quickly flips me around to face him. "What was that huh? What's wrong with you?" He says coldly, he doesn't have an expression on his face but the anger is piercing through his eyes. "Nothing." I say annoyed. "Don't let those bitches piss you off, you should know better melody." He says firmly, I don't reply to him, only staring up at him pissed. He signs and rubs his temple. "Let's just go get some lunch." I sign and I follow him. We go to toms car and i get in the back and buckle myself in, i was still upset so I didn't speak or even acknowledge toms presence, we go to McDonald's for lunch and i get some fries and 6 nuggets with Diet Coke, tom gets a vegan wrap with Diet Coke. We head back to the school. I have a free period now so i decide to go to the music department, i go inside of a practice room where all the instruments are.

Tom leans up against the door with his arms crossed over his chest while he watches me. "You play an instrument?" He asks, i glance at him before speaking again. "Yes." I don't give him any other details. I grab an electric guitar and some headphones, i put the headphones in the amp and the wire connecting to the guitar into the amp and i start to play, tom watches me and he plays with his lip piercing, i ignore him and turn away. He scoffs and he goes on his phone until the bell rings, i pack the stuff away and me and tom head back down to the main part of the school, i have computer science now and i go to the computer rooms. I sit down in a secluded spot in the classroom and i just keep my head down. Tom sits down next to me. "Put your head up." He said quietly not to disturb the other students, i ignore him. "Melody. Now." He says more firmly this time. "Why?" I say muffled through my arms. "Because, you're in school and i said so." He says slightly annoyed by my attitude. I sign annoyed and i put my head up. Toms started to lose his patience with me. "Just do your work melody." He says coldly but I don't do anything, he then stands up and pulls me outside with my bag. "What are you doing?! Get off!" I say angrily and confused. Tom drags me down the stairs but i try to get out of his grip. Tom then pushes me against the locker firmly but not hard enough to hurt me. "Listen here you little shit. I'm not looking after you just for you to disrespect me and disobey my orders. I'm taking you home right now." He says aggressively but yet coldly. I squirm under his gaze and tom senses my fear, he lets go of me and walks away. "Let's go." I breathe heavily and i look at him in shock. He glances over his shoulder. "Now, melody." I follow him to his car not even saying a word, i get in and put my seat belt on, i could scream at him right now but im too scared to.

We arrive home and i storm up to my room and lock my door, i sit on my bed and i silently sob, i need to get rid of him soon. I change out of my clothes and i decide to take a nap. Later that night I wake up at like 9pm, i see a text on my phone. "Since you wont text me, I'll text you. -T" i roll my eyes and i open my window, I grab my weed and roll a blunt before i climb out my window. Sometimes i go out on the top of my roof and just smoke, i do it for the view but also for the effect of the weed. It just makes it better you know, looking at the stars while the lights of the house shine below, I like to set the LEDS of the house blue and pink like the artist Tv Girl, it's beautiful casting a pink and blue over the house grounds. I sit down on the edge of the roof while i smoke and look over at the view. I see tom walk out of the house into the garden, what's he doing? I look closely at him and it looks like he's smoking? But like a normal cigarette. He's walking around the patio as he's smoking, a cat jumps out of the bush and tom looks up from his cigarette, i watch him as he bends down and kisses his teeth while he extends his hand out to the cat, the cat cautiously walks over to tom, tom smiles and he strokes the cat, I can't help but smile a lil bit when he smiles at the cat, I've never seen him smile before and he looks kinda adorable, i realise what im saying and i snap out of it and I scoff. "Wtf melody!" I say shocked by myself. Tom suddenly stops smiling and looks up at me, i duck and i hold my mouth shut as i try not to laugh and i almost drop my blunt. Tom calls out. "Melody? Why are you on the roof? Get off!" I stay quiet and don't move, tom calls out again. "I know you're there, if you don't go back in your room then ill come put you back in!" I scoff and roll my eyes as i stand up. "Can a girl just have her freedom?!" I shout, tom looks more annoyed. "No. Now get down." I sign dramatically. "You're high aren't you?" Tom asks more impatience. "Noo." I say as i sit down on the edge of the roof. "You are, now go inside melody im not asking again." I scoff and get up. "Screw you!" I shout as i climb back through my window.

- 1569 words

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