"What did you do tom!?"

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Tom gets closer to my lips and i freeze in place, is this guy for real right now? He then stands up leaving my face right in front of his crotch and i stand up as well. "Go inside." He says coldly. I furrow my brows together confused by his sudden coldness, i scoff and i go inside. I decide to have a shower so i turn the water on to get ready to get in the shower, i get in and i feel my arm and thighs stinging as per usual and i sign in pain. After doing my shower routine i get out and dry myself, i plaster myself back up and i go into my room, my phone rings and it's Mabel. "Hey girl." I say. "Hey girl, can we have a sleepover tonight?" She asks, im surprised as I've never had a sleepover before or even been invited to one. "at mine?" I ask. "Yeah, at yours." She says. "Uh, okay." I say slightly hesitant. "Omg thank you girl! We're literally gonna have the best time!" She says and she hangs up, i swear i could gear giggling in the back but im not gonna overthink it. I get dressed and clean my room. I hear the doorbell ring about an hour later and i rush to the door speeding past tom. "Melody!" He shouts after me but i ignore him. I open the door and Mabel pulls me into a hug. "Hey girl!" She says and i repeat as she wraps her arms around me, i pull away and let her come in. "Did i say she can come over?" Tom says and me and Mabel look back at him. "Oh come on tom, she's staying for a sleepover, just let her stay over. It's the nicest thing you can do." I grumble at him slightly. He narrows his eyes and Mabel speaks up. "Come on mr kaulitz, i promise I'll behave." She looks like she's trying to seduce him and i just look at her in shock and disappointment. I can tell he was getting pissed so i rushed her upstairs. Mabel sits on my bed and she giggles. "Girl look what i got." She pulled out cans of deodorant, i look at her confused. "What about it? It's just deodorant." I say. "No girl, we can get high off it." She giggles and grins, i look surprised. "You can get high on deodorant?"

"Yes girl! With all the chemicals and shit, it's so fun!" She says excited, i was a bit hesitant. "Isn't that dangerous?" I ask. "Of course it's fucking dangerous! But hey, you only live once!" She grins. "Let's do it right now." She suggests and grabs my towel from the bathroom. "What about tom?" I ask scared slightly. "Oh come on melody, it's getting dark soon tom will be sleeping soon." I hesitate and i look back at my door. "Are you really a pussy melody?" She asks, i sign. "No." I say. "Then let's do it already come on!" I sign but i sit on the bed opposite her. She folds the towel and sprays the deodorant on it until there's foam and she flips it over and inhales it, i watch her and she hands me the deodorant, i shake as i spray it but i inhale it and i feel my head go fuzzy and dizzy. "Holy shit.." i say surprised, Mabel laughs and shakes me. "See! I told you it makes you high!" She giggles and inhales it again, i chuckle slightly and i inhale it again, we both take turns until we're properly out of it, i laugh. "I can't feel anything!" I laugh and Mabel laughs. I take more inhales and I fall on the bed as i stare up at the ceiling. My head is completely buzzing right now and im shaking like crazy, Mabel gets up and leaves my room taking a glance at me before walking out, i would see where she's going but im too buzzed out. I feel my eyes close but then i suddenly wake up to the sound of Mabel screaming, i get up and i stumble out of my room down the corridor to toms room. I open it and see Mabel on the floor while tom holds her down. "What the fuck?" I ask slightly becoming more awake of what's going on around me. "Tom get off her." I grab tom and yank him off Mabel, Mabel gets up and she storms out the room, i follow her and she storms into my room and packs her stuff. I follow her downstairs and i shout out her name, as she opens the door i grab her arm and she yanks me back. "Tell your stupid bodyguard that he's a pervert touching teenage girls like that!" She screams in my face. "Oh and im never coming back! Fuck you and your bodyguard! I never liked you melody, i just got close with you to fuck with tom but he's a pedo! Go slit your wrists bitch!" She screamed at me, she basically spits in my face and she leaves, im just standing there with a blank expression on my face, i feel tom behind me and i turn around i suddenly feel tears fill your eyes and i hit his chest and i push him back. "What the fuck happened tom?! What did you do to her!?" I shout at him, he just calmly looks down at me as i finish my outburst. "Stop hitting me." He says coldly, i hit him harder. "What did you do tom!?" He grabs my arms and pulls me towards him. "I didn't do anything, she came in my room and started groping me and I put her to the floor." He says coldly and calmly, i yank my arms back and i sit down on the island and I put my hands over my eyes as i silently sob. Tom leans on the doorframe. "I heard what she said to you, don't listen to that bitch. I knew she was fake from the start." I sniffled and i just ignored him. "Just leave me alone." Tom scoffs slightly. "You should stop being so sensitive." He says before heading up to his room, i look at him with hurt and I go up to my room and I collapse on the bed, maybe i should try and stop being so sensitive but no matter how much i try my feeling always get in the way.

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- sorry this chapter looks short but its not i just made two big paragraphs, i just wanna say do not try the deodorant and towel thing, it's extremely dangerous and could result in death or serious permanent injuries.

HER BODYGUARD ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now