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I wake up the sound of my alarm screaming at me to get up, i groan and i bury my face into my pillow, another Monday. After about 5 minutes of trying to keep my eyes open i finally get up, i could tell as soon as i got up this morning i had anxiety for no reason. I tried to distract myself by turning my music on as i got ready but I didn't feel any better so I decided to roll a blunt, after about 30 mins i felt better. I walked into the kitchen but for some reason i was expecting to see my father but he wasn't there..he's never here so i basically live alone. I had some breakfast and waited for my driver to get me.

My driver pulled up and i got in the car, you know i made small talk and that but its always awkward. I put my headphones in and we arrive at school, i thank my driver for the ride and i get out the car, i put my head down as i walk through the halls, i hate school so much, im a outcast because of my father and his job, everyone bullies me at school because of it...but anyways i go to my lessons with students and even teachers whispering or calling me names all day.
It's last lesson now and im sitting in my usual place at the back of the classroom when a staff member enters the class.
"Miss bates?" I raise my hand and everyone looks at me.
"Your father's here. Come with me please." I nod, i get up and get my stuff, i hear snickering and whispering as i walk up from back of the class, and i leave.

I walk into reception and i see my father and instantly he rushes out the school into his car. "Dad?" I say confused. "Yes sweetheart?" My father replies focusing on the road, "why did you pick me up early?", "because we're going to meet your new bodyguard." My father says. "Bodyguard? "What? Why do i need a bodyguard, im not a child." I say frowning and crossing my arms and leaning down in my seat "because darling, it's getting more dangerous and i want to protect you." I sign annoyed, i put my music in, i can't wait til i can get this over with.
We arrive at my father's office, i sit in the car seat with a my arms crossed and a pissed look in my face. My father looks back at me and he signs. "Look, im only doing this because im not half of the time and i want to protect you, and if it makes you feel a bit better I picked a guard more closer to your age." I look at him, "how old?" I ask both curious and nervous, "20." I sign, great now it'll be even more awkward now that theres gonna be a guy basically the same age as me living with me. I get out the car and me and my father make our way through the building to my fathers office, a thousand thoughts are going through my head until my fathers speaks.
"Don't worry melody, i know him very well and he's perfect for you." I look up at my father, "what's his name?" I ask, "tom, tom kaulitz." My father says almost proudly, before i could ask another question we arrived outside my fathers office and suddenly my heart started to beat out of my chest again, i felt like i was gonna pass out but i managed to stay calm. I took a deep breath and i gulped before my father opened the doors, the light blinded me for a second as my father pulled me inside, once my vision focused i felt my heart drop...

- 650 words

HER BODYGUARD ~ tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now