Chapter 6: Work as Devil

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(Issei POV)

* Occult Research Club

Durant the sunset, after another day of school, Issei arrived at the club to accompany his companions and see today's activities.

Issei: ''What's up, you guys?''

However, when he was walking, he ended up giving a bra and panties hanging on the clothesline. Without wasting time, he puts his hands on the bra.

Issei: ''Whoa... Dude, this is totally a bra...! But what's it doing in here? 

Just then, Issei notices the shower noise, as he looks to the side, he realizes that Asia was taking a shower now.

''I'm totally holding a titty hammock!''

Then instant karma came to him when he received a blow to the head of a lobster from Koneko clearly angry at his perverted ways.. And where she got the lobster, only the omniscient knows.

Koneko: ''Did ya see anything you like, you big pervert?''

Issei: ''It's not what it looks like.''

Asia: ''Hey... is that my bra?''

Issei flinched for getting caught by Asia.

Koneko: ''I think he's gonna put it on and wear it around.''

Asia: ''Oh, please don't!''

Then he ran to hang the bra on the clothesline.

Issei: ''It's not like that! It just happened to get caught on my face!''

???: ''Whopper of a lie detected.''

I looked to the side and ended up jumping with fright to see Shidou right next to me. He has not made any noise so far.

Issei: ''What a fright, man! Where did you come from?''

Shidou: ''We'll never know.''

Asia: ''I'm so sorry... I know I'm a visitor here; I really hate being in the way.''

Issei: ''No, it's fine. As a matter of fact, having you around definitely has its perks.''

Asia: ''Well, it won't be for much longer; the President said she'd find me a place to stay before she went to school.''

Soon, I was pulled out of place with Koneko pulling my ear.

With the afternoon wanting to change for night, the President called me to discuss something. Meanwhile, next to us in the room was Kiba and Shidou playing chess, while Asia and Koneko watched them.

Issei: ''Early morning training?''

Rias: ''Your fight with the fallen angels made one thing clear... We need to get you worked up to your peak physical condition, as soon as we possibly can.''

Issei: ''Oh. Great.''

Rias: ''I'll come pick you up in the morning. Five sound good?''

Issei: ''No... That's nuts... I mean that sounds fine. Well... I'm off to pass out flyers.''

Rias: ''Perfect; I'll see ya soon.''

I turned and walked until I stopped and turned to Shidou.

Issei: ''Hey bro. Won't you come deliver the flyers with me?''

Shidou: ''I've finished delivering the flyers this morning. Be careful on the way!''

Issei: ''Oh man. All right, see you at home.''

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