Chapter 8: A Fight for your Freedom

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(Shidou POV)

I have no idea how I come to this place, it's kind of dark here, but it seems to be a wedding hall. And also, it seems that Kiba was in my side cheering for me, Matsuda and Motohama are here too, crying a lot I don't know why.

Motohama: ''Fuck you! When will it be our turn, huh?!''

Matsuda: ''This must be a divine punishment for us!''

Shidou: ''Guys, why are you complaining and crying so much?''

Kiba: ''Don't mind them, we're very happy for you.''

When I gestured to those two, I was caught off guard by looking at my arm and seeing that I was wearing cufflinks, I looked down, and realized I was wearing a black tuxedo. I was already extremely confused at this point.

Shidou: ''Hm... Can anyone remind me why I'm in a tuxedo?''

Kiba: ''Are you joking, right? You are getting married!''

Matsuda and Motohama: ''He's still rubbing it in our face, you asshole!''

They began to shed rivers of tears, but what bothered me much more and that left my face pale and expressionless was what I think I just heard.

Shidou: ''I'm what?! Married?!''

Then I looked forward and saw my parents present on the side of the hall next to my brother and Asia here too. My father euphoric with my mother wiping away the tears of joy, my brother Issei weeping like the perverts here and Asia applauding with her unbroken smile of happiness.

Gorou: ''Shidou, I want our first grandchild to be a girl.''

Miki: ''How far you've come, being the better son than the other one.''

Issei: ''I'm right here! Anyway , treat them well, bro!

Asia: ''I'm so happy to be here for this celebration of yours!''

Shidou: ''What's everybody talking about anyway?''

Akeno: You shouldn't take your eyes off us tonight, dear!

I looked down the hall where Akeno's voice spoke and was speechless to see Rias, Akeno and Koneko coming towards me with bouquets in their hands and wearing sexy wedding dresses.

I looked down the hall where Akeno's voice spoke and was speechless to see Rias, Akeno and Koneko coming towards me with bouquets in their hands and wearing sexy wedding dresses

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