Chapter 38 - You Guys Should Be In A Band

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"This is when I wish they had decorated after I moved out." I laugh awkwardly as I open my old bedroom door letting Noah inside.

"Woah... tumblr definitely inspired you." He laughs wheeling our case inside the room.

"Yeah definitely." I follow him closing the door behind us.

"Margo that's so cute." He points at the Oli Sykes poster on the wall.

"Please stop. It's mortifying." I reply as Noah takes in the rest of the wall. More posters are scattered on the same one wall, a collage of pictures, tickets, photos and paintings.

"Did you paint these?" He asks looking closer.

"Mhmm... let's go back down stairs." I try to distract him. Noah turns around to where I'm standing, looking past me.

"No fucking way." He laughs, I scrunch my eyebrows confused at his reaction. "You still have your kit?" He points to the drum set up behind me.

"Oh yeah..." Noah smirks at my reply.

"Play something." He tells me and I immediately shake my head. "Please." He presses and I sigh begrudgingly sitting on the stool.

"Okay, ugh fuck. I haven't played these for years." I huff as I press the peddle for the kick drum.

"Wait. Two minutes." Noah stops me as I grab my sticks.


"I need Folio to see this." He quickly says and darts out the room clearly going next door to grab Folio.

"Fucksake." I sigh and start to play "Basket Case" by Green Day anyway.

It comes back to me like it's second nature. I find myself getting lost in the rhythm, fully immersed in my own world.

"Dudeeee! Margo you're fucking good." Folio bounces as I set down my sticks. I smile awkwardly not really knowing at what point he had come into the room. Nick and Jolly also seem to have joined us becoming part of my audience.

"Thanks. You're unreal though, seriously Folio you have some fucking talent." I praise him and he seems to go all shy.

"Cheers Margo, that means a lot." He smiles and Noah looks on proudly.

"Do another." Jolly demands just as Isla comes running into the room.

"You're playing your drums!" She claps seating herself on the bed.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?" I ask Isla who aggressively shakes her head.

"Nope, Granny said I can stay up another fifteen minutes." She sassily tells me.

"Girl you don't know what fifteen minutes is. You bet she'll be in here soon to tell you your fifteen minutes is up." I give her attitude back.

"Nu uh. Play another song." She demands and I shake my head. "Please." She pleads.

"Please Mar, just one more." Noah winks adding fuel to the fire sitting down on the bed next to Isla.

"Ay, yeah you play another one and then play one." Folio says and I genuinely think he's trying to be helpful.

"Yeah, I'll go and then you can show Isla how to actually play drums." I laugh and start to play them anyway opting for "Diamonds Aren't Forever" by Bring Me The Horizon.

"I wanna go!" Isla squeals once I finish.

"Come here." I reply and she slides off the bed in exchange for my lap. "Here." I place the sticks in her hands and she starts to bash on the drums with the sticks. Total chaos unfolds and she obviously starts obsessing over the cymbals. I look up to Noah's low chuckle and that's when I realise he's been filming us causing havoc. I stick my middle finger up for his video and Isla does the same. "Don't tell Granny you did that." I say quietly making everyone laugh.

"Move over girls, my go." Folio declares obviously itching to play. Isla slides off my knee heading straight back to the bed, where the boys have now claimed as their own. I plop myself down on the bed next to Noah who pulls me into him.

"Can I play with your hair?" I hear Isla ask Jolly who chuckles at her request. "Please?" She continues and he shrugs awkwardly.

"Sure?..." He hesitates and Isla starts to grab strands of his hair attempting to make a braid. I roll my eyes at Noah and Folio starts to play totally showing me up.

"Woah you're well good!" Isla excitedly tells Folio as he finishes.

"Thanks, I think that's the best compliment I've ever had." Folio replies as Nick clocks the other instruments in the opposite corner of the room.

"Dude!" She's got a guitar and a bass!" Nick is off the bed before I can stop him. "She's tuned..." he smirks at Noah after picking the strings.

The boys all start to play together which sounds weird with an acoustic but they seem to somehow make it work, going for a half acoustic half not acoustic version of "Limits". Isla is completely mesmerised as Noah sings along casually.

"You guys should be in a band!" She proclaims as the song finishes causing all of us to laugh. "What?! You are kinda awesome!" She continues innocently just as my grandma pops her head through the door.

"Miss Isla Grace Brown, did I not tell you it was bedtime almost half an hour ago now?" My grandma tuts at the wee chancer that my sister is. "Come on now, bed. Say good night."

"Night everyone." Isla mumbles as she hugs us all one by one dragging her feet as she leaves the room, my grandma shakes her head as she closes the door behind them.

"You know guys, she might be onto something. Maybe we could start a band." Jolly laughs sitting back on the bed and Noah finds the remote for my T.V turning it on and opening Netflix.

"Yeah the kid might just be onto something." Nick laughs as Noah settles on Zombieland.

"Looks like we're having a movie night. Good choice Noah." Jolly says with a smile as the movie starts up.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Noah whispers to me as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I don't really know. I just want it to be over." I sigh focussing on the movie and Noah begins to play with my hair. "I don't want him to be there." I mumble.

"Maybe he won't show." Noah replies. I know the guys are listening and probably trying to piece together the situation. As far as I'm aware Noah has never told them my family situation and I haven't either but I guess by now they've put the pieces together themselves or will have by tomorrow.

"Let's hope Noah. Let's fucking hope."


Hey guys! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend!

Lemme know how we're enjoying the story so far!

Love yall!

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