Chapter Twelve

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Rafe's bike came to a stop when we pulled into the Glisson's driveway. Their enormous white house looming over us. I scanned the outside of the house and the porch caught my attention right away. There were bright flowers that scattered the porch from corner to corner. There were so many hanging pots, scattered with blues, pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and purples. 

"I guess Mrs. Glisson likes her flowers," I said, pulling the hemet from my head. 

Rafe pulled his helmet off as well and I watched as his sweaty hair fell messily on his head. "Yeah aren't they pretty?" 

I giggled at Rafe, I had never heard him call flowers pretty before, or even acknowledge them. 

Rafe smiled as he watched me laugh, "I mean they look nice." 

I nodded, still laughing at him, "They are pretty." 

"Stop laughing," he said smirking, as he swung an arm around my shoulder pulling me towards the house. 

"This is what our porch will look like someday," I said, putting my arm around his waist and pulling myself closer to him. 

He looked down at me and nodded while smiling, "Okay."

"Our house can look like whatever you want G." He said, opening the front door and pulling me inside with him. 

Rafe gave me a tour of the giant gleaming house. It really wasn't much different than Tannyhill or my own. I plopped down onto the couch, Rafe sitting down next to me. "How'd everything go with your mom this morning?" 

I let out an exasperated sigh, remembering everything that happened with my mom earlier in the day. "Not too good." 

"Uh oh." 

"She tried to ground me like I'm thirteen or something, then of course brought up college... so I grabbed some of my things and just left." 

"Damn G, so you're like a runaway?" I smacked his side as I smirked. 

"She asked if the reason I don't want to go to college is because of you," the smirks fell from both our faces. "What'd you say?" "I didn't say anything, I left." 

"It's not because of me right? Because I want you to do whatever you want to do." 

"No, no." I shook my head as I looked into his eyes, "I mean staying here in the Outer Banks with you forever does entice me, but that's not the only reason." 

He chuckled before leaning towards me and planting a kiss on my lips. "I'm always in your corner, G. I'll be cheering you on in whatever you do." 

I nodded and smiled, "I know."


The next day was spent entirely in bed. I think I might have slept for twenty four hours, which some people would probably say isn't very healthy. I didn't care. Honestly, the only thing I found myself caring about lately was Rafe. Nothing else mattered to me. I could stay in bed for all of eternity if I was next to him, and I would be happy. I had shut off my phone, tired of hearing it ring, thanks to my mother. I still couldn't believe the way she had talked about Rafe. Acting like he was some low life. You don't need college in order to be successful and dropping out doesn't change anything. Rafe is so smart and such a hard worker and it seemed like I was the only person who noticed. His own father kicked him out, instead of offering him any kind of help. Every person has their moments and their highs and lows. When someone you love is struggling you don't just boot them. I didn't understand why no one else seemed to know that.


I woke up the next morning and laid in bed as I watched Rafe sleep. He was so beautiful. When he slept there was nothing but innocence on his face and he looked peaceful. He only looked that way when he was sleeping. He always looked beautiful, but lately the darkness in his eyes was becoming more prominent. I leaned over and kissed his soft cheek before rolling out of bed and heading towards the kitchen. 

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