Chapter Eleven

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"Georgia?" I ignored the voice that I thought I might have been dreaming. 

"Fuck G," I heard another voice say as someone shook my body. 

"I'm sleeping," I groaned, squinting open my eyes. 

"Hon you in there?" 

When I finally registered whose voice I was hearing my eyes immediately grew wide and my head shot up from the pillow. "What do we do?" I whispered looking at Rafe who was still in the bed next to me. He shrugged his shoulders, just looking back at me. "Say something," he finally whispered back. 

"Um yeah," I said loudly, "I just woke up, one second." I turned back to Rafe, "Put a shirt on or something." 

I jumped out of bed and scanned the floor looking for my shorts. "Shit," I said under my breath. "What is it?" Rafe asked as he pulled his shirt over his head. "My fucking shorts are upstairs." "Just pull your sweatshirt down, you can't even tell." I groaned in utter frustration. Of course this would happen to me. Thankfully my sweatshirt was big enough to hang down past my butt and cover any area that shorts would be. 

Despite me still being pantless, I figured Rafe and I looked fairly decent. I turned the door knob and opened the door to see my mom standing on the other side. Her eyebrows were raised as she looked at me, her gaze then traveling behind me into the bedroom and noticing Rafe. She let out a sigh, "I was looking all over for you." 

"Sorry, we were... fishing late last night." I said the first thing that came to my mind. 


I nodded and turned back to Rafe who was also nodding. 


"Did you catch anything?" 

"No, it was pretty dry," I lied straight through my teeth and from the look my mother was giving me, she definitely knew. 

"I've got a tee time," Rafe said, stepping closer to the door. My mom and I moved so he could get through the threshold of the door. "Love you G," he said, pecking my cheek. "Love you." "Thanks for having me Mrs. Astor, it was nice to see you!" He smiled at my mom as he moved past her. "Of course Rafe!" She said back through a smile I could tell was fake. I knew I was in for it as soon as Rafe left. 

When he was out of sight and up the stairs my mom turned back to me. "What the hell Georgia?" 

"It's a long story mom, I was just helping Rafe with something and then—" 

"Honestly I don't want to hear another excuse. You're grounded babe, you're staying home and not having people over." 

"Mom seriously?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Yes. Seriously." 

"I'm seventeen! You can't force me to stay home." 

"You're living under our roof and you just said it yourself, you're seventeen, still not an adult." 

I stepped past her and started up the steps to the upper deck. I could hear her coming up behind me. "While you're home and not off running around the island, we can work on your college stuff." I stopped and turned back to face her. I smiled as I let out a giggle. 

"I'm not going to college." 

She scoffed at me, "Yes you are. We're not having this conversation again." 

"No I'm not and don't worry I'll be eighteen by then so I'll be able to make decisions on my own."

"Does Rafe not want you to go or what? Him dropping out inspiring you? Is that why you're so adamant about not going?" 

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