Chapter Five

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"Hey y'all," I said smiling as I walked into the sweaty gym at Topper's house. Topper, Rafe, and Kelce had seemingly all been in a heated conversation. I could feel the tense energy and they were all quiet for a moment. I stood there waiting for one of them to acknowledge me. 

"Hey G," Rafe finally said as he slanked an arm around me and attempted to kiss me. I shoved him away as I scrunched my face, "No nope no. You need to shower first." 

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked as I plopped down onto the exercise ball. They all looked at eachother and acted like they were communicating telepathically. "Should we tell her or not." Is what the looks they were giving one another were saying. 

"If you don't tell me now I can guarantee y'all that Rafe will tell me later." 

Topper smirked, "What'd I tell ya? You're her bitch." 

"Shut up Top," I laughed slightly. 

Kelce decided to finally explain to me what they were talking about. "Your ex bestie Pope, sunk Topper's Malibu." 

"Yeah and my mom thinks that it was me. Forgetting to put the plug in." 

I shook my head, "Pope wouldn't sink your-" I trailed off as the golf course flashed through my mind. 

"They're pissed off about Rafe jumping him yesterday. It was probably him and his dumb ass Pogue friends." 

"I had your back," Rafe cut in. 

"I know you did," Topper answered quickly, "I'm just saying that's why they're pissed off." Rafe didn't say anything after that. 

"Don't retaliate," I said, sighing. I knew what those boys were thinking and I knew none of this would end well. "Just be the bigger person and let it go." 

"G they sunk Topper's boat," Rafe said slowly. "Yeah, fight fire with fire," Kelce said. 

"What are you even planning on doing? Sinking their boat? Jumping them again? Killing them?" 

None of them replied. They all just looked at me. "You guys are such airheads," I said, rolling my eyes. I jumped up off the exercise ball and walked out. 

I was half way up to the driveway when I heard someone running behind me. "You know you can't just walk away from me." 

"I'm not in the mood Rafe." 

"Georgia we're just-" he struggled to find the right words. "We're just defending the homestead." 

"You're acting like children." 

"No we're not. We'd be acting like children if we did nothing about it." 

I shook my head, "No Rafe." 

"Look G," he started but I stopped him. "I'm done talking about this okay? I know you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do but when you get arrested or killed or something. I'm gonna say I told you so." 

"I'm not dumb G," he replied looking down into my eyes, "I know how to take care of things." 

I sighed as I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. There was no getting through to them and I knew that. 

Rafe tried hugging me again before I pushed him away, "You still haven't showered." 

"I don't give a shit," he said smirking as he grabbed me and squeezed me tightly. I wiggled and writhed trying to get out of his grasp but I couldn't. My nose filled with the stench of man sweat and I thought for a second I was gonna be sick. I could hear his laugh and it made me smile. 

"You dick," I said, gasping for air as he finally let me out of the embrace. 

"I'm taking you out tonight," he said smiling. 

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