Chapter Ten

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I tossed an oversized sweatshirt over my head to keep me more comfortable in the cool night air. The sweatshirt draped down past my shorts and to my mid thigh, brushing lightly against my skin. I slipped my phone into my pocket before opening my bedroom door and stepping into the hallway, as lightly and soundly as I could. As I walked down the stairs, the bandages around my feet kept the sound of my footsteps muffled. My fingers tightly gripped the door handle which led onto the back porch. I held my breath and twisted the knob before darting out into the night and softly pulling the door closed behind me. 

Once my feet finally hit the grass, I ran towards the long dock that led through the marsh. I looked around but I didn't see anything. 

Rafe wasn't here yet. 

I sunk down onto the dock and swung my feet over the edge, dangling them just above the water, keeping them dry. I scanned the moonlit water, looking for anything swimming. In my opinion, one of the best aspects of living on the ocean was all the species in it. If my parents weren't crazy about business and me taking over the club in my dad's spot someday, then I would go to school to be a marine biologist. 

In another life I guess. 

My attention darted up from the water when I heard the familiar hum of a bike revving. I stood up and watched the side of my house he would be walking around. I don't know why, but I could feel my heart begin to race and suddenly I found myself chewing on my nails.
My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach when I saw Rafe's figure finally appear in the moonlight. His hair seemed disheveled and as he got closer to me, I could make out his frown. 

A stream line of moonlight hit Rafe's face just right for me to see the tear stains that littered his tanned cheeks. I started towards him, my feet moving quickly to carry me to him. 

"Rafe!" I said lowly, swallowing the lump now forming in my throat. I threw my arms up around his neck and pulled myself close to him. His arms snaked behind my waist and with minimal effort lifted me slightly from the ground. 

When my feet touched the ground again, I backed away slightly so I could look at him. 

"Hi G," his voice was quiet and hoarse, and I wanted nothing more than to comfort him. Without a second thought my arms were around him again and I pulled him into me. My hands ran through his hair, as I tried to console him and even myself. It broke me seeing Rafe like this. I knew I wasn't going to be any help if every time I saw him sad or upset, I also became sad and upset. I took a breath and held it as I took in the refreshing scent of him

"Come on," I whispered, slipping my hand into his and pulling him towards the dock. 

We finally made it into the boat and I flipped the lamp on, giving us some light that wasn't only from the moon. Rafe's eyes flashed over my body, up and down. His brow furrowed as his eyes lingered on my feet. "What happened to your feet?" 

I let out a chuckle as I shifted my gaze down to them as well, "Oh I just—when I walked home this morning, I took the shortcut, you know the one through the cut gravel and rock." 

Rafe's shoulders dropped lower than they already were, "I could've driven you home." 

"I'm okay, they don't hurt." 

The smile on my face faded as I looked up and saw Rafe's eyes gloss over, still scanning over my body. 

"Did you get hurt anywhere else?" 

I shook my head, "No, no, I promise it's okay. I'm okay." I stepped closer to him and put my arms up around his neck once again, bringing my face closer to his as I stood on my tiptoes. 

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