7. Dharmic Meta

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This is meta on Sita Parityagam...

This whole thought process has been churning in my head for a long while... but the spark happened today when I was reading a chapter on Agni Pariksha written by Ramayana_lover 

Her work is wonderful btw... do go read it... 

There won't be a kid in India (most of the world now tbh) who hasn't heard the name of Ram. Every hindu kid grew up listening to stories about him. 

His story, his charitam... has invited a lot of debate. 

The so called intellectual bullies leave no opportunity to insult him in the name of revolution, which firstly what in the world are you even revolting against? You are spoon fed by this system and still spill everything. Idiots!

The entire Hindu Diaspora is very protective of Ram, as am I. Even as a wee lad (I sound scottish) I never could bear an insult to his name.

As I grow up and interacted with the society, I came across 'nerds' who didn't even know who was the first king of Neo Babylon and 'experts of hinduism' who didn't even know that there are 56 (don't trust wikipedia) letters in Sanskrit babble on and on about how Ramayanam is an oppressive, brahmanical and patriarchal literature.

Firstly, name one person in all of humanity's history oppressed by it... it's a literal historical book... how do you get oppressed by a book that isn't even a rule book?

Secondly, This is just absurd... I'll lose brain cells if I talk on this... 

Thirdly, patriarchy has a long painful history.. like women being sold as wives in Greek courts, literal Princesses and Duchess being sold into slavery by Dukes who were their  own brothers, women being burnt on stakes for knowing math and we all remember Cleopatra right...

So... yeah it is a long painful history... so don't use that term for every minor inconvenience you face as a spoilt brat. 

I started with this because I'm tired of 'holier than thou' people who are literally lap dogs of west leftism or are simps of communism babble about things they do not with literal on their mouth.

 I'm allergic to stupidity... thank you very much!

Anyway, the conclusion of this is don't trust any modern, intellectual interpretation or thesis of Ramayana... it's all cock and bull.

In fact, don't  trust any modern interpretation... make your own, do your research, talk around, ask your elders, make your own. 

Because there has never been a more distorted history than that of Hinduism.

 Manusmriti has 1290 slokas... 200 years ago out of nowhere it became 1400.

There are 113 interpretations of Ramayana, that are recommended and paraded as the actual translation of Valmiki Ramayana out of which only 2 are true.

So, you get the gist.

I had to clear that lens... the lens of misinformation and sheer delusion... out, before I write down everything else.

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