Chapter 14. Mission

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I. Am. So. SORRY about the long wait. I've just been really busy and didn't exactly know what to include in this chapter, but now it's done. If there are any dumb mistakes, feel free to point them out.

Hope you enjoy :)


It was at the crack of dawn that Kai stood by the monastery gates, nervously fingering the bottom of his red gi and watching as Cole, Jay and Zane were doing last minute preparations. It was finally time for them to begin their mission to retrieve the Sword of Fire. Wu had equipped them somewhat well with a map and a warning about dangers in their path. In addition to those, they had sleeping bags, some canned food, weapons, bandages, water bottles and a gas burner. It all felt like an overly long camping trip people were attending by force.

Well, at least Kai was going to get it over with. Besides, it couldn't be so bad. It wasn't like he was going to have to befriend the other ninjas. He didn't need to interact with them more than maybe sometimes answering whatever questions they had or taking part in minor decisions. They'd go out there, get the damn sword, and come right back. Kai would get back to delivering his real job (that being him looking after Nya and Lloyd) and would also get to carry on keeping his distance from the Fruit Ninjas.

Speaking of Lloyd, when Kai shifted his gaze down, he could still find the little brother clinging to him like a burdock. Little Lloyd was still in his pajamas and slippers, looking a bit sleepy, yawning every now and then. But most of all he appeared to be quite sad over Kai leaving. The longest they'd ever been separated was some ten hours, and now they were going to have zero contact for days. Why was that? Because Wu had banned phones or really any means of communication on the trip for reasons Kai didn't know but hated.

"Do you have to go?" Lloyd whispered, shifting his watering emerald eyes to Kai.

"I guess so," Kai sighed. "But I won't be gone for long."

"But what if you get attacked by the Great Devourer?" Lloyd asked.

Kai frowned. "That completely fictional snake from that little kids' lullaby book?"

"Morro said it's real…"

Kai rolled his eyes. Aside from being extremely rude, Morro was also a pathological little liar. And Lloyd was his perfect target as someone who believed everything he was told.

"I promise I'll keep away from any snakes," Kai promised.

Lloyd looked up at his brother. "Kai, it's not that I don't trust your ninja skills, but if you see a Grundle, run."

Kai furrowed his brow. "A what?"

"A Grundle. Believe me, you don't want to fight it," Lloyd said seriously. "A good ninja was once torn apart by one. Imagine what would happen to you."

Kai chose to ignore the innocent insult from his brother. "Well, thanks for the advice, Little L. I'll be fine."

Lloyd hummed.

"Going to school today?" Kai asked to take his brother's thoughts elsewhere.

"Yeah," Lloyd sighed. "To be deafened by Coach Marmalade."

"Coach what now?"

Lloyd blinked. "Well, his surname sounds like marmalade. And also, he's got the loudest voice I've ever heard, and he gives preferential treatment to tall, fit boys as opposed to scrawny gits."

"What a piece of sh—" Kai paused, remembering who he was talking to. "—ship."

Lloyd cracked a small smile.

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