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I wanted to cry but I knew that it could make it worse. They knew my secret that nobody else knew about...
So I wasn't making a sound.
- so...what do you want me to do...?
- first target. Laura. 24 Costa Rica
- no way I'm doing this. I'm not going to Costa Rica for stupid things like this.
- you don't have a choice! -he kicked me
- och...!
- shut up!
- no!
- oh fuck!
- will you shut up now and do what I want?!
- mhm -I nooded
- great...
I was still sitting with ripped clothes, messy as fuck hair and all in tears.
Now someone came to me from behind and unblinded me.

~bloody kiss~ (spicy) (mafia romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant