Adam said:

"Good, this means that their bullets will not be fatal. I will go and tell the warriors. We must prepare from now."

I tapped him on the shoulder and said:

"Freedom or death, there is no third option."

The two days passed quickly, and now it's morning on the third day, just a few hours before the plan is scheduled to be implemented. I felt nervous, but not afraid. I preferred death to this life, meaning I didn't care about my own life. I knew very well that the step I was about to take could be my end or my beginning. Leaving my room, I saw Adam talking to Mariana. They were in love, and I knew that Mariana's illness and weakness were not only due to anemia, but also because she was pregnant with Adam's child. Now, I know that Adam wants to fight. It's enough that he's no longer as pessimistic as before. He now has a reason to fight for.

It was time for execution. I started monitoring the situation while Mariana went to the guard, Mansal, and started
talking to him and flirting with him.
Mansal is a good vampire, but he is a monster. I will miss the cigarettes he used to provide me with.
I regret that I will kill him shortly, I will not spare the life of any of them, even if he was my friend.

Mariana has succeeded in seducing him. And here I am now, watching her take his hand and lead him to the specified place, the place without surveillance cameras.

She succeeded in making him take off his mask. I saw Mansal's face for the first time. He was a handsome young man.

He exchanged kisses with her. I was bored waiting and watching, and now the decisive moment had come. Mariana offered him her wrist. He seemed suspicious as he tried to hide his savage facial features.

A destitute vampire like Mansal, who has probably never tasted human blood directly from a vein.

I know this is tempting for him, and as I expected, he could not resist for long. He collapsed, grabbed her poisoned wrist, and began to suck it until Mansal fell, unable to move, astonishment and shock covering his terrified features.

It was my turn, I got up and headed towards him. I looked at Mansal's frightened face, then I took out the stake. I noticed the terror in his eyes.
With one stroke, I closed my eyes and drove the stake into his heart.

Mansal died and turned into a mummy in seconds. I took his clothes and his mask, put them on, then grabbed his index finger and cut it off because the doors here only work with fingerprints.

I turned to Mariana, who looked a little affected and frightened as she stood watching what I was doing, holding her bleeding wrist.

I grabbed her face and said:

"Go back to Adam, tell him to be prepared."

She ran away while I carried Mansal's body and threw it in the sun. I watched his body burn to dust.

The most difficult task has begun,
Before my friends move, I must enter the surveillance room and kill everyone in it. It will not be an easy task.

It's time to test the effects and power of the Fahalla herb on these creatures.

I went to the door, knowing that behind it there were many of them. I placed Mansal's severed finger over the ID card, and the door opened. In that moment, I had a strange feeling: excitement and anticipation, but no hesitation.

It was either freedom or death; there was no third option.

I entered slowly, walking through the narrow, white, almost dark corridors. There was an open door opposite on the right.
I peeked inside. There were four of them, unmasked, sitting in front of many screens displaying various parts of the farm.
Quickly, I retreated so they wouldn't notice. I took out the smoke bomb Aunt Jade had made.

I was startled when I heard someone say:

"Do you smell that?... Do you hear that noise?"

I quickly lit the bomb, then swiftly threw it into the room and closed the door, holding it tightly. There was silence. After waiting a few moments, I cautiously opened the door and entered. Within seconds, the Fahalla smoke had killed four huge vampires. I moved among them before extracting the wooden stake and driving it into their hearts, one after another.

I went out and signaled to Adam and the guys that the place was safe. We got rid of the cameras, but there were guards watching the exit gates. Many of them, but it's noon. They rely on cameras; most of them are indoors now, specifically in this building.

Adam and our friends are here waiting for orders. I felt for the first time that I was a leader and that these people depended on me and most likely placed their hopes and ambitions on me...I must save them; I will not let them down.

I said:

"We will enter this damned building now, and when we get out, we will be free, and no vampire will be spared. Come on, we have to move quickly."

We entered that building and the blood center and filled the place with the Fahalla smoke and its explosives.

The vampires were falling like insects in front of us. They were not prepared for us. We entered upon them at a time when they were napping and resting, and as I expected, they were relying on the one who was on the surveillance room.

We started wandering among them and planting stakes in their hearts.

Then we got the guns. Everyone was surprised at how everything ended so quickly and easily.

The farm is now in our hands. But the hardest step has begun now: getting out of the farm and facing them outside in a real battle.

I turned to the brave boys and girls and said:

"We will be liberated, not today, but soon. Are you ready to get out of this prison and go out to the world?... and fight and die for the future and for the freedom that the vampires took from you?"

Everyone shouted in unison and with unparalleled enthusiasm, "Yes!!"

I turned to that door that separates us from freedom or death.

I placed Mansal's finger over the identifier, and it recognized the fingerprint immediately.

Then I watched the door slowly open.

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