||~ (18) "𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕳𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖑"||

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After the ghouls proceeded towards their designated hotel rooms, you found yourself in possession of the key to both your room and Swiss's. Anticipating a potentially awkward situation, you took the lead as you walked ahead of Swiss. With the key in hand, you swiftly unlocked the door and entered, allowing yourself a moment to place your belongings in the room.

Eventually, Swiss appeared and made his way in to organize his own things. The room assigned to the two of you was equipped with two beds and a nightstand strategically positioned between them, featuring conveniently located plug-ins for charging electronic devices.

Selecting a spot on one of the beds, you settled yourself at the edge and proceeded to retrieve your charger, plugging it in with your phone connected for a quick recharge.

You then settled yourself down on your comfortable bed, deliberately turning away to avoid making eye contact with Swiss. Letting out a heavy sigh, you closed your eyes, inviting a brief moment of stillness that Swiss shattered with genuine concern.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off,"
the ghoul inquired from his position by the bathroom entrance. Feeling a rush of emotions, your heart raced for a second as you carefully considered your response.
"I'm fine,"
you uttered firmly. Sensing a lingering doubt in Swiss's eyes, you repeated, "Yes, really, I'm sure." Your tone unintentionally carried a hint of abruptness, causing a brief silence to stretch between you two.

"Alright then,"
Swiss finally murmured before heading over to his own bed, situated across from yours. The room settled back into a tranquil quietness, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air, hinting at a deeper layer of emotions swirling within both you and Swiss.

A few minutes lazily drifted by before Swiss's phone emitted a subtle ding, prompting him to stir from his comfortable position on the bed. With a slight yawn, he made his way towards the door, turning to address you as he stood there hesitantly.

"I'm planning to head down with everyone for a bite to eat. Are you coming?"
he inquired, his hand lingering on the door. While you remained curled up on the bed, facing away with a quiet tone, you replied, "Sure, I guess. I'll be down in a few minutes.."
Swiss's response, though somewhat tinged with a hint of disappointment, was met with uncertainty from you.
"Alright then, see you there.."
he uttered before making his way out the room.

After approximately ten minutes passed, you finally ventured downstairs where the rest of the ghouls had gathered. Rubbing your tired eyes, the sound of your growling stomach emphasized the pang of hunger you were experiencing. With everything that had been occupying your mind lately, you realized you hadn't eaten much throughout the day.

As you made your way towards the food area, feeling a gnawing hunger in your stomach, your gaze landed on Sodo, who was already seated with two tantalizing sandwiches in hand. The setting was picturesque, with a view of the hotel pool visible through the nearby window.

Sodo momentarily tore his attention away from his phone, his face lighting up at the sight of you, his expression one of genuine joy.
"Hey! I was just about to text you, I got an extra sandwich for you just incase you were hungry! " Sodo cheerfully relayed, a faint sway to his tail reflecting his happiness.

With weariness apparent in your eyes, you mustered a grateful smile and expressed your thanks, appreciative of the kind gesture. Taking a seat beside Sodo, you felt a sense of relief wash over you as he handed you one of the sandwiches, placing his phone aside to join you for a meal. The initial bite into the sandwich revealed a burst of flavor that instantly lifted your spirits; indeed, your body welcomed the nourishment it had been yearning for.

After a little bit, you and Sodo both finished your sandwiches and engaged in conversation for a while, with his arm naturally finding its way around your shoulders, creating a sense of comfort and ease between you two. However, as you casually glanced around, a subtle feeling of someone's gaze landing on you from the periphery caught your attention. Slowly turning your head, you discovered it was Swiss, whose eyes met yours briefly before you redirected your focus toward the window, feigning nonchalance.

Observing your slight shift in demeanor, Sodo, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, teased, "Do you suddenly feel the urge to go for a nighttime swim or something?"
His light-hearted chuckle filled the air, breaking the underlying tension that seemed to have surfaced briefly. Responding to his playful banter, you turned towards him with a quizzical expression, adding,
"But isn't it too late to even swim right now?"
It was approximately 1:30 in the morning, a time that would normally deem recreational areas closed for the night.

Contrary to your expectations, Sodo's response carried an element of surprise as he nonchalantly mentioned,
"Well, from what I heard, they leave the pool open all day and night and then shut it down once a week to clean it, so we'd be able to go swimming right now. "
This newfound information piqued your curiosity, stirring thoughts of the unusual yet inviting prospect of a late-night swim under the moonlit sky, creating an unexpected allure to the serene and open setting of the pool that beckoned even in the silent hours of the night.

As you gazed wistfully out the window towards the inviting pool, a hint of yearning in your eyes, you tentatively expressed,
"You know, swimming doesn't sound so bad right now, although I don't have a bathing suit or anything like that to swim in.."
Your tone held a touch of disappointment, reflecting your genuine desire to cool off in the water.

Sodo, picking up on your hesitation, let out a small chuckle before offering a practical solution,
"Well, why not just throw on an extra shirt and some shorts? Im sure you can swim in that. " The friendly advice from the ghoul brought a glimmer of hope to your face, as you started to consider the possibility of enjoying a spontaneous swim sans traditional swimwear.

As you sat beside Sodo, a comfortable smile graced your lips, offering a warmth that echoed the serene setting around you. Your gaze, initially drifting away, found its way back to him, an unspoken invitation dancing in your eyes.
"Well, you up for a swim?"
you proposed to the ghoul, the playful lilt in your voice mirroring the whimsical air of the moment.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Sodo met your suggestion with a hint of eager anticipation, his excitement palpable in his response, "Bet, that would be fun as hell"
The prospect of plunging into the cool waters together seemed to hold the promise of shared laughter.


(A/N) YAYYY SWIMMINGGG!! (◍•ᴗ•◍) )

"𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵." (Swiss x Fem! Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora