Exhaustion Eruption

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It had been a looooong day for Smoke, what with having not slept a wink and also being dragged to Principal Shao Kahn's office, which also came with the added benefit of detention for an entire week. All of this could've been avoided if he just didn't spend 8 GOD DAMN HOURS ON THAT PIECE OF SCRAP COSTUME.

Smoke wanted the costume to turn out amazing, like anyone would, but he soon started to harbour a tiny hatred for it and some seeds of doubt started to be planted in his mind. Was all of this effort really worth it? Would all of the people at the party even like it, or would he just be the lame kid that everyone tries to ignore the whole time?

The fact Smoke had detention after school prevented him from getting his much needed sleep, and so his thoughts kept getting progressively worse. It wasn't worth it. Making that costume cost him too much of his sanity already, and it seemed like he was running low on that at the minute. He leaned back in his chair before promptly being shouted at by Mr Tsung to stop it, which he did. He had to do this for a whole god damn week because of Mileena, what a great friend she was.

40 minutes passed and detention was finally over. Smoke rushed out of the building as fast as his exhausted body would let him, which was not very fast. He made sure not to get sandwiched in between all the other kids who stayed back as they exited, learning from his mistake in the auditorium. What he didn't realise however was that a certain someone had stayed after school... a certain red someone...

Our boy was finally about to be freed from this awful prison he found himself in, before he was stopped by someone calling his voice. The person calling his name was probably one of the last people he ever expected to see though. It was her, the girl in red. Oddly enough though, Smoke didn't seem to tense up or become nervous, he didn't even care that she bothered to learn his name, he just stood there in the hallway without a word. He was waiting for her to speak first.

Skarlet found their current situation extremely interesting, and would make sure to remember it for any further uses. But for now, it was finally time for her to speak.

Skarlet: "Smoke... You do remember our last encounter... Yes...?"

Smoke thought back to their last interaction. The pen. He didn't care about it anymore, he already accepted that it had fallen into her hands permanently. His fried brain tried keeping the "conversation" going, but wasn't really doing all that well at it. However, he was definitely doing wayyy better than last time due to all the exhaustion.

Smoke: "Uh... The pen...? What about it...?"

Skarlet: "Yes. The pen."

Skarlet took a step closer, her hands behind her back. She was being extremely weird right now, more so than usual, and Smoke just wasn't reacting to it at all. The two stood in silence as Skarlet looked Smoke up and down, before Smoke started to speak. His exhaustion and lust for sleep really showed, and he was pissed he was being held back some more.

Smoke: "Ughh... What the FUCK do you want?!"

Skarlet didn't react at all to Smoke raising his voice, instead, she found it very interesting. This would have to be noted down.

Skarlet: "Nothing. Run along. Now."

This boy seemed really interesting now that he wasn't blinded by his lust. This whole operation just got a lot more exciting.

21:52 Thursday 24th October

He had been passed out on his bed for a while now, since 5:30 at the latest. He deserved this sleep, especially considering the day he just went through. His peaceful slumber was soon interrupted by his phone ringing. He slowly and furiously awakened, as he was right in the middle of a good dream. He looked over at his phone and saw the call was from Mileena. He instantly knew why she was calling him

Smoke: "Ugh, this is about my detention, isn't it?"

Mileena sounded like she was about to burst out laughing, having only just now learned about the true extent of Smoke's punishment. Even though it was somewhat late, she sounded very energetic.

Mileena: "you fucking idiot! detention for a whole week? a whole ass WEEK?! you're sooooo fucking dumb!"

The fact that Mileena was calling him in the first place pissed Smoke off a little since he was so damn tired, but the fact that she was calling him just so she could insult him riled him up even more. He was trying to hold himself back from shouting at her, but just sighed and sounded dead inside instead.

Smoke: "Shut the fuck uppppp. It's your fault I even got the detention in the first place, since YOU got your dad's attention, not me..."

The two argued on for about 30 seconds, mindlessly spewing insults at each other as Mileena tried her hardest to get Smoke to snap, like usual. That was until Mileena said something that managed to pique the interest of Smoke, mentioning an incident that he had completely forgot happened earlier that day.

Mileena: "you literally suck straight dick, shut up. maybe you wouldn't be such a loser if you actually tried pulling that skarlet girl instead of telling her to fuck off, you fucking fa-"

She was promptly cut off by Smoke stammering for a few seconds, then finally remembering how to use his words.

Smoke: "Wait, how do you know about that? You weren't there for that, I don't think. I dunno, i'm tired as fuck man."

Mileena: "wow, you really are stupid. she posted about it on her instagram story, idiot. please tell me you follow her on instagram and you aren't just one of those weirdos that refuse to use it or whatever. you strike me as one of those. cause, you know, you're a fucking loser."

Smoke's focus drifted away from what Mileena was saying and over to the thought of Skarlet posting about him. What did she say about him? Does she hate him? She didn't seem that mad about it or anything like that when it happened, so what did she say? The thought of him completely messing up his chance with her refused to leave the back of his mind. He was gonna need something to take his mind off of this whole situation, looks like the costume was actually gonna come in useful for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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