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Smoke: Oh, right. Yeah, they were dicks to me earlier. Dunno why you'd be scared of em, but whatever.

Rain: They... They used to bully me... Back at my old school...

This hit Smoke deep. Rain was a good person, and he definetly didn't deserve to be bullied. Though, admittedly, Rain did seem like to type to be bullied, people like him just seemed to be prime targets for bullying.

Smoke: Damn bro, that's tough. Don't worry, they'll get what's coming to 'em at some point, they always do.

Once the two had arrived at the school building, they realised they were completely clueless as to what they were meant to be doing. They were given timetables but Smoke managed to lose his and Rain's got all wet and fell apart. So whilst everyone else knew where they were going and were already headed for their classrooms, the two boys were stuck wandering about the school for 5 minutes before being pulled aside by someone.

???: And just what do you think you two boys are doing out of lessons?

Spoke someone who had quite the imposing stature and the voice to match it. The boys looked up at the figure, slowly realising who it was... Principal Shao Kahn... The boys knew they had fucked up royally, and so didn't try to bullshit their way out of this one like they tried with Mileena.

Smoke: "Well, uh, we, um..."

Smoke was too terrified to say anything, and Rain wasn't much help either. Principal Shao Kahn was quite the terrifying individual. His deep voice echoed throughout the corridoors.

Principal Shao Kahn: "I would advise you two get to your lessons. Now."

The boys wasted no time and immediately ran off. They still had no clue what lessons they were meant to be in, or if they were even in the same classroom at all, they just looked for a classroom that had people they knew in. Eventually, the boys spotted Mileena sitting down in a classroom, and spotted that there were a few empty seats. They nervously entered the classroom and went red as everyone looked at them, so they went and sat down as quickly as they possibly could.

When the class ended, Mileena almost instantly confronted the two. She, like always, thought the situation to be funny and wanted to know why the boys were so late in the first place. The boys (obviously being quite embarassed) didn't want to relinquish this information so easily, but knew to get it over with before Mileena made a huge scene about it.

Mileena: "So, what's up with you guys coming in all late there? And why were you there?" Mileena pointed at Smoke. "You're not even meant to be in my class, so what gives?"

Smoke: "I'm not? Damn, well I just royally screwed up, again."

Mileena: "Now answer my other question, where were y'all?"

Rain: "Well, we..."

Smoke: "Were practicing for the track team! Again..."

Mileena just stared at Smoke in confusion and disbelief, as he just used the exact same excuse he used yesterday. She sighed before speaking again.

Mileena: "There still isn't a track team and why would you ever use that excuse again?"

Smoke: "Uh, I dunno, I thought it would work this time."

Mileena: "You really are something, and I don't mean that in a good way." Mileena rolled her eyes and looked over at Rain. "Would the nerd mind explaining to me what *actually* happened?"

Rain: "We, um, kinda got lost." Rain looked down at the ground as he said this, very obviously embarassed. To save himself some embarassment he didn't mention the encounter the two had with Principal Shao Kahn, especially since he was Mileena's father.

Mileena started to snicker a bit, and then giggled. She found the prospect of these two knuckleheads getting lost on their second day of school (despite looking around the entire building yesterday) funny. The boys however didn't find it so funny, and wondered what ungodly things Mileena would've said if they mentioned the encounter with her dad.

Mortal Kombat High SchoolOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz