Those Two

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Smoke logged off for the day and sat down in his bed. He checked his watch. 18:23 it read. He still had a lot of time to do whatever he wanted, but how did he spend it?

He slept.
Of course he did.

He awoke pretty early in the morning, compared to yesterday at least. It was around 4:30 am and Smoke was not pleased, as he couldn't think of anything to do to kill time before school started in a few hours. He tried getting back to sleep, but to no avail. He groaned and eventually stepped out of his bed.

For a while, Smoke just watched YouTube videos whilst wasting away on the couch. It wasn't the most productive thing he could do, but what else was there for him to do at a time like this?

Eventually, a text popped up on his phone. It was from Rain.

Son Of Argus: Hey man, you excited for school today?

Smoke couldn't lie, he was kinda excited. After all that went down yesterday, he was pleasantly surprised by how... good? His first day was.

Enenra: Can't lie, i kinda am lol

Son Of Argus: That's the spirit! Will i meet you at the bus stop again?

Enenra: Yeah
See you in 30

Son Of Argus: See you later, Smoke.

Smoke dressed himself in a grey hoodie, black sweatpants and a pair of converse shoes. He grabbed his phone and some earphones then walked out the front door, headed for the bus stop. Oddly enough, Rain wasn't there. Weird.

The bus came and Rain still hadn't arrived. Smoke sat down on an empty pair of seats and pulled out his phone. He was about to message Rain but he was interrupted by someone trying to talk to him.

???: Hey. You're in our seat, dork.

Smoke looked to his right and saw 2 boys, one dressed in yellow and the other in blue. They looked pretty menacing, so Smoke decided he should probably move. He stood up and starting walking to another pair of seats, but he accidentally bumped into the boy wearing blue.

Blue Boy: You tryna start something, punk? I'll kick your ass.

The boy put his fist in the palm of his other hand as he stared Smoke down. Smoke really didn't wanna mess with those guys, so he tried apologising.

Smoke: Oh, um, sorry, that was an accident.

Smoke chuckled nervously. He was trying his hardest to get out of this situation unscathed, but his attempt at it was poor. The boy dressed in blue didn't seem to believe him, and started walking menacingly towards Smoke before the bus driver shouted at them to sit down. The boy backed away, before sitting down next to his friend in the yellow. He glared at Smoke.

Blue Boy: You got lucky this time. Next time we meet, it's lights out for you, punk.

At the next stop, Rain finally got on the bus. He sat down next to Smoke, who was rightly confused as to why he got on at this stop today.

Smoke: So, why didn't you get on at the last stop?

Rain had a look of fear in his eyes as he looked over at the two boys Smoke had encountered earlier. He spoke nervously.

Rain: Th-Those two...

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