The First Day

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An alarm started ringing, and a boy opened his eyes and groaned. He knew this day was coming.

Smoke: "Oh god, why now? i was having a good dream too!"

Smoke got out of bed and went to go eat breakfast. Half way through munching on his cereal he decided to check his phone. 7:40, it read.

Smoke: "7:40 already? The controller of time must have it out for me or something."

He rushed back upstairs to get dressed and then slid down the stairs and out the door, leaving his half eaten cereal on the table for him to clean up later. He rushed to the bus stop and just barely made it in time.

Smoke: "Phew, close one."

???: "You almost missed the bus too?" a boy dressed in purple asked.

Smoke: "Yeah, really thought i wouldn't make it today."

???: "Honestly same, oh, my name's Rain by the way, nice to meet you." Rain held out his hand.

Smoke was kinda weirded out by this, i mean, what teenager goes in for a handshake after meeting someone? Regardless, Smoke shook Rain's hand.

Smoke: "Name's Smoke, nice to meet you too Rain."

Rain: "So, you excited for school to begin? I am!"

Smoke: "Uh, not really. I'd rather be doing things i enjoy rather than sitting in a classroom for like 6 hours straight."

Rain: "Hm, okay then."

The two kept talking until the bus arrived at school. They got off the bus and headed into school together, unaware of what crazy situations they would get themselves into over the next couple of years...

Smoke: "Wow, I knew this place was big but like, holy shit this is big!"

Rain: "Same here, this is gonna take a while to get used to, compared to my last school."

Smoke: "So, you know where we need to go first?"

Rain: "To the auditorium, wherever that is."

The pair searched around for a couple minutes before finding a large pair of doors. This had to be the auditorium, right?

Smoke: "Alright dude, I think this is it. You ready to go in?"

Rain: "Sure am! i wonder where everyone else is though."

Smoke: "Just means we got here first!"

Smoke opened the doors to be greeted by a large room with a desk in the middle, and behind that desk was principal Shao Kahn.

Smoke: "Uh oh. Rain, RUN!"

The two ran as if their lives were in danger, when in actuality the principal hadn't even noticed them, He was taking a call and staring out of a window. The two were out of breath from running almost half way across the building.

Rain: That *pant* was *pant* a close one."

Smoke: "Yeah *pant* agreed."

???: "What the fuck were you guys doing to be so out of breath?" a voice from behind asked.

The two turned around to see a girl in a pink hoodie and mask, staring in confusion.

Rain: "Oh uh, we were just-"

Smoke: "Practicing for the track team!"

Rain: "Yeah! Of course!"

The boys high fived for coming up with such a good excuse.

???: "But its the first day here. How could you possibly be trying out for the track team? Wait, did you guys get into trouble already?"

The boys looked at each other for a second, before slowly nodding.

???: "That's sick! Names Mileena by the way, if you two plan on getting into more trouble, you gotta include me!"

Rain: "I don't think we really wanna, I mean it was all an accident-"

Smoke: "COMPLETELY PLANNED TOTALLY 100%!" Smoke interrupted.

Rain facepalmed, he knew he was in for a hell of a school year.

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