Thinking. Again.

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19th October. 23:30. Sunday night. Smoke was just staring at his ceiling, even though his room was pitch black and he was meant to go to sleep 2 hours ago. He just couldn't bring himself to do it, since he knew that as soon as he closed his eyes and dozed off, he would have to go to school when he woke up. He was trying to prolong the inevitable.

Neither Rain nor Mileena were online at the minute. Rain was probably sleeping, Mileena was probably doing... something... She didn't seem like the type to go to sleep on time either, but given that her father is the principal, he probably makes her.

He thought about all of the things that had happened in his life so far since attending Kombat High: his friends, enemies, the robots and, of course, her. The girl in red. Smoke hated himself for being head over heels for her, as it only just made his emotions complicated and made him feel awful, since he knew that he had almost no chance with her.

There was just something about her that Smoke was attracted to, but he couldn't figure out what. She was physically attractive, sure, but Smoke's attraction ran deeper than that. Was it her personality? The dominance that she displayed over him? Was he really into that?

After a few more minutes of just silence and thinking, Smoke had decided that was enough soul-searching for the night. He let out one last sigh before pulling the covers over himself, finally surrendering to the thought of having to go to school in the morning.

Around a month had passed since Smoke started attending Kombat High, and it was safe to say that he had still not properly settled in yet. Mileena and Rain seemed to have already done so, but Smoke just couldn't.

It was another day of boredom for him, as it was for almost everyone else, but for Smoke it was just extra boring. Even outside of lessons he was bored, probably because he was sick of having to hear Rain and Mileena argue about something that really didn't matter whenever he hung out with them.

He still liked them of course, and they were all still friends (well, except for Rain and Mileena) but Smoke just felt that something was missing from his school life. It just wasn't what he thought it was going to be, it was nothing like all those movies and tv shows he watched when he was younger. There were no awesome parties, no fucking around with friends late at night and getting into trouble, and especially no *proper* love interest.

That girl in red sure was *a* love interest, but she wasn't exactly a great one. Smoke knew this, but continued to think about her all the time. He hated the fact he had a crush on her, but was powerless to do anything about it. Whenever he was in her general proximity, his brain would just shut down for some reason and completely forget that he hated crushing on her. His brain fucking sucked.

He had been zoning out in class for a while now, only being able to do so since that girl wasn't at school today... FUCK! EVERY THOUGHT JUST HAS TO BE ABOUT THAT GIRL DOESN'T IT?! HE CAN'T GO A SINGLE GODDAMN DAY WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT HER, CAN HE?!

His inner tantrum stopped when he was called upon by Mr. Chi to answer a question, a question that he did not know the answer to. Hell, he didn't even know what question he was being asked and thus was embarassed in front of the whole class. His school life sucked, hard.

The school day had ended, yet Smoke still didn't seem happy. He met up with Rain and Mileena and talked with them as they walked home, the sun was setting in the sky and giving the Earth an orange tint. The three sat on a nearby wall they had climbed upon and talked for a while, no arguing whatsoever. It felt nice not having to listen to Rain and Mileena argue, but it was also a rarity. A small smile may have started to form on Smoke's face as he sat and took the moment in before Mileena called out to him.

Mileena: "so, you hear about the halloween party or nah?"

Smoke: "No, guess not. That probably means im not invited then."

Mileena: "you don't have to get an invite, doofus, you just gotta show up to johnny's place at 9:30 pm."

Internally, Smoke was ecstatic about this news. Those awesome parties he used to see in the movies as a kid were finally happening, and he was able to go! His luck really seemed to be turning around tonight, let's just see if that luck will last until Halloween...

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