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september 3/4 2021
kenzie's perspective

I open the passenger side door to Gabbie's car as she's getting situated in her seat. I look out my window and see Kate turned around, looking behind her seat, pulling out of her parking spot. Gabbie hands me aux again and I put on the Lover album by Taylor Swift.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" Gabbie asks while starting her car engine and holding back a laugh.

"About?" I'm genuinely confused. I've told Gabbie everything that she missed out on. What did I forget?

"Yeah yeah okay." She says, actually laughing this time.

"Gabs, I'm serious. What?"

"You never get that excited when I invite you to something."

So this is about Kate.

Sure, she's cute and super sweet and basically perfect, but we're just friends. I don't even know if you can call us that. I barely know her. But Gabbie still thinks I like her, of course.

"Gabbie, I don't like Kate like that."

Gabbie snickers while turning the steering wheel.

"I'm serious! I liked her for like a week in freshman year and got over it. I'm done with that now."

"So you did like her in freshman!" Gabbie says in an "aha" tone.

"I'm not talking about this with you. Just don't do anything weird while we're there."

"No promises." Gabbie says. Now she's dying laughing.

I swear if she embarrassed me in front of these people I barely know, who I'm supposed to be coaching... I'll be pissed.

I switch the conversation topic to Gabbie's boyfriend, Spencer, and she seems happy to talk about him. Anything but me and my love life is cool with me.

After around 10 minutes, we get to Gabbie and Kate's apartment. We've been following Kate and Caitlin this whole time, so they get there at the same time as us. They wait for us again, and watch Gabbie park, once again, horribly.

"Kenz have you seen the apartment?" Kate asks, but not looking at me.

"No, but I've seen it in the back of Gabbie's FaceTimes."

Kate laughs at that. I wasn't trying to be funny, I'm just nervous and stating the obvious.

We cram into the teeny elevator that can't be meant to fit more than three people and Caitlin presses floor 5. My stomach is rubbing against Gabbie's back and my back is rubbing against Kate's hips.

The elevator dings and Caitlin and Gabbie walk out first. I go to step out and trip on the door track. Great job Mackenzie, you embarrassed yourself and you're not even inside of their house yet. Kate grabs my hips and steadies me from my almost fall. Damn she has a strong grip.

"You good?" She questions.

"Yep, just embarrassed." I say, trying to laugh it off.

Gabbie makes heavy eye contact with me and winks obnoxiously. I send her a "shut up" look, and I mean it.

Kate walks beside me to unlock the door and let all of us in. Caitlin immediately rushes to their pantry and grabs a bag of microwaveable popcorn.

"Gee thanks for asking C." Gabbie jokes.

"You want some?" Caitlin asks while looking at me.

"I'm good. I'm super full from dinner. My pasta was so good." Honestly, I could go for some popcorn right now, but I don't want to seem greedy or too comfortable. After all, I barely know Caitlin and Kate.

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