1. good luck mackenzie

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august 30 2021
(i'm using 2021 because that was the year kate was a senior!)

kenzie's perspective + flashback

"Olivia Richardson, if you have a girl in there I swear to god!" I yell while banging my fist on Olivia's door. "We should've left for class 5 minutes ago!" Silence, once again. "Emma, are you in there? I'm sure you have class too." I scream even louder.

"Jesus Kenz you are so impatient." Olivia sighs while coming out of her room. I stare at her with a blank face and look her up and down to find her fully clothed, showered, and at least 20 minutes of makeup on her face. "Kenz I'm not joking, French waits for no one, let's go!" She raises her voice.

"Excuse me says the one who just ignored me for an hour." I say while opening the door of Via and I's dorm. When Olivia doesn't say anything back I realize that it's weird Emma wasn't with her. "Hey, where's Emma? Weren't you guys still hooking up all summer?" Emma was this girl in Via's communications class last year. Long story short: they've been hooking up on and off since sophomore year. I don't think anyone could take a real relationship with Via, seeing as how hard it is to be her friend anyways.

"Ew gross, she gave me chalmydia, Kenz!"

"I thought that was Liliana."

"No Liliana was the one who went to Italy for the semester."

"Sorry I can't keep track of the 10 woman you're seeing at all times."

"Ok I'm sorry I don't want to not date anyone at all like some weird girl I know." Via says while sizing me up and down.

"That's not true! What about Claire freshman year? And Mason a couple months ago?"

"That's called one or two dates. A kiss if you're lucky."

"Ok we're done with this conversation." Thankfully I'm saved by the short walk to French and Via and I walk to our usual seats in the back corner. I am not trying to pass French class with anything above the bare minimum.
"Bonjour classe, bienvenue en teoisième
année de Français. Si vous suivez toujours le Français, je suis impressionné. Donc pour aujourd'hui, je veux juste commencer par..." (Hello class welcome to junior year French. If you're still taking French, I'm impressed. So for today I just want to start with...). As I try to pay attention to Professor Laurent's monotone voice, I scan the room for any familiar faces. I've made it half way around when I feel my phone buzzing in the pocket of my jeans. A call from my sports management professor? I click accept and excuse myself to the hallway.

"Hi Professor Wilson! To what do I owe the pleasure." I know exactly what I "owe the pleasure to". I applied to oversee one of the college sports teams for a special coaching credit. I'm praying this is the acceptance.

"Your application for the assistant coach position has been accepted for both semesters this year."

"Really?" I question. "Thank you so much! What team am I overseeing?"

"Women's basketball of course. That's what you want to end up coaching, I thought. Is that not correct?"

"No, I mean, yes, I mean, thank you. I've got to go Professor but thank you so much.

"I'll email you the rest of Coach Bluder's details for your job. Good luck Mackenzie."

junior year of highschool
tournament game

We're down two with 20 seconds on the clock. I finally got number 7 on the other team off my back and see my one way route to the three point line. My best friend Gabbie Marshall has the ball. I give her the look and she passes me the ball across the court. I catch it easily, take my first step closer to the three point line, only to be met with number 7 once again. She reachers her hand across my chest in an attempt to get the ball. I twist my body to get away from her, but my right knee stays stationary. I hear a loud pop before I let out an even louder scream. I fall to the ground and hit the back of my head on the hard court. Gabbie and my team comes running over to where I'm laying on the floor. I'm clutching my knee and inaudibly yelling in pain. Alexa, our team medic and one of our assistant coaches grab me under my arms and carry me to the locker room. I can see the horror on my teammates' faces as I sob off the court. I knew then and there. A fucking ACL tear.

I stumble back to my classroom stunned into silence. Gabbie Marshall, my best friend from high school who I talk to maybe once a year is on that team. I don't know whether to be excited or nervous about that. For gods sake Caitlin Clark and Kate Martin are on that team. They're practically famous, how do you even act around someone like that? I slump back into my chair next to Via. "I got the coaching job." I say unexcitingly.

"Congrats Kenz! What sport?"

"Women's basketball." I say again in a flat voice.

"Oh my gosh you and Gabbie are having a little high school reunion, that's so cute!" Via exclaims. "You don't look so excited though." Although I give Via a hard time, when it comes down to it, she's actually a really good friend.

"I don't know V I haven't really talked to her since the beginning of freshman year. She got busy with basketball and I got busy with..." I trail off. "Well, not basketball." Via looks at me and smiles her signature big smile.

"You and Gabbie were iconic. Her and her whole team would be stupid to not like you. Think about it. If the girls were out of the picture, this job is your dream. Right?" I know she's right, and to be completely honest: I don't even know what I'm nervous for. Something about that team gives me butterflies. I just don't know in what way.

avery's note
what do we think of the first chapter?? pls don't be a silent reader i love comments yall. olivia is impossible to write but everything's gonna get more fun next chapter. get ready for the iowa women's basketball team.

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