However, the next morning was shit. Sirena was extremely weak and was barely breathing when I woke up. I immediately called the doctor in when I felt her weak pulse. I regretted going so hard on her but it was her punishment, I shouldn't feel bad.

The doctor checked her thoroughly before telling me that she is physically weak, too weak which is why she needs to be on bed-rest for a day. She lost a lot of blood, both from her head and down there. The doctor suggested that we should avoid sexual intercourse for a while and even if I still do it, I should be extremely gentle.

I don't know if I can refrain myself from not doing it, though. Sirena is too fucking irresistible. I want nothing but to the lay her on my bed and fuck her till my heart desires.

"Let m-me go." A weak mumble interrupted my thoughts. I looked down and saw Sirena sobbing quietly. Her shoulders shaking with each sob. I instantly lowered her down in her seat beside me, watching her scramble away from me like I am some sort of disease.

"Calm down, love." I softly said, trying to show I meant no harm. She was trembling badly with tears running down from those oceanic blue eyes. She looked so innocent and adorable while crying.

Just then, an air hostess approached us, rolling the cart of foods beside our seats. She bowed at the both of us and greeted monotonously, "Good morning, Mr. De Luca and Mrs. De Luca. What would you like to eat?"

I turned my attention to Sirena's curled up form and frowned. She will refuse to eat anything now but regardless I asked, "What do you want to have, love?"

A sigh left my mouth when she shook her head silently. I turned to the air hostess and ordered, "Give me a black coffee and her an oreo milkshake." I knew Sirena's was utterly in love with milkshakes, the oreo one to be more precise. Although it wouldn't cheer her up now, I still wanted her to eat or drink something atleast.

The air hostess did as she was told and left. I picked up the mug of coffee and sipped the warm liquid, liking how its bitter taste embraced my taste buds. However, when I looked back at my wife, I saw she hasn't even looked at the milkshake let alone give it a try. She was blankly staring outside the window, the tears no longer visible on her face.

I kept the mug down and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

This is going to be a long flight

𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐞 𝐋𝐮ca

After a lot of threatenings and glares, I drank my favourite drink at one go, grimacing at how bland it tasted

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After a lot of threatenings and glares, I drank my favourite drink at one go, grimacing at how bland it tasted. My appetite was getting more and more worse as the days are passing. I feel like throwing up whenever I stomach anything at all. It feels horrible.

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