Chapter 5: Befriend with 6 Weird Kids

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

Principal: "Do you know how trouble for what you are, Mr. Kasady?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was sat there and chilling for himself and he was cleaning his right fist for beating the crap out of Barron like show no mercy to him.

(Y/N): " have no trouble with it. Barron who was the one bullying Logan first and then I seen Barron who was tries to bullying him and force him to do the homework and I disagree for what the bastard tries to do...but I just give him a real lesson." He said to the principal who was sat there by himself and make him just sigh little bit and then he was remembered about the beating of Barron.

In Flashback.

Then (Y/N) grab the face of Barron and knee him in the face so hard and send him down on the ground and then (Y/N) goes on top of Barron by himself and begin to use his fist punching the shit out of Barron.

(Y/N) was beating the shit out of Barron without mercy and make Barron got a lot big bad bruise by the protagonist and the others were witness horror at (Y/N)'s doing and it was insane and then (Y/N) was finally stop...and he had a blood in his right fist. Then (Y/N) look down at Barron who was lucky to be alive as hell and (Y/N) look down at him and he said.

(Y/N): "Remembered this time...if you tries to bully Logan again...I'm gonna kill you right here and right now." He said to him and make the bastard nod his head and until (Y/N) raise his foot up and stomp his foot at Barron in the face and knocked out.

(Y/N): "Bitch....go fuck yourself." He said to Barron who was knock out into unconscious and make (Y/N) just breath out little bit and then he was kicking the shit out of Barron in the stomach many times and until he was finally stopped. When he turn his head to look at the others seen how brutal of (Y/N) really is...beat the shit out of Barron to death and he was seems to be crazy person and now they were fear of him.

Ashlyn, Tyler, Logan, Ben, Taylor, and Aiden were surprise how brutal of (Y/N) and beating the crap out of Barron and (Y/N) sigh little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, can someone get the medic for this son of bitch right here? Please? I think...he had a loss of bloods right now." He told the others and then one of them get the medic right away and as for the six kids who were totally seen how deadly dangerous of (Y/N) really is. When (Y/N) was sigh and make him was grab the napkin and clean the bloods from his right fist and then here comes 3 securities and they both saw the unconscious of Barron who was laying down on the ground.

After (Y/N) was done wipe the bloods out of his right fist and make him sigh out little bit and he chuckle little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Well, what are you waiting for? Take me to the principal right away." He said to them and make him was taken along by the securities and when he was smile little bit and his eyes turn into red right now and it was make him felt berserk little bit to feel him insane.

" He said to them and make him was taken along by the securities and when he was smile little bit and his eyes turn into red right now and it was make him felt berserk little bit to feel him insane

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End Of Flashback.

After (Y/N) was been done with trouble in the office and make him was got tell by the principal and he want (Y/N) to do the attention for Saturday and this seriously make him happy about himself is gonna be join in with the six teenagers. Then (Y/N) just want to see Ashlyn and how happy she really was saw (Y/N) is here and until (Y/N) went to the classroom right away and he was doing with the other assignments by himself.

(Y/N) with Ashlyn also the others were sat together and they both just sat there and talking to each others also Logan asked (Y/N).

Logan: "Hey, (Y/N)..." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What's up?" He asked Logan.

Logan: "I-I-I don't know what to say...but I want to thank you for saving me back there and I wish I got trouble's my fault-" He tries to said and (Y/N) raise his hand up and refuse Logan to speak out and (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "It's alright, need to blame yourself...but I was the one who seen you got trouble with this asshole Barron. I teach that bastard for what he messing with the others...and you were lucky to be alive, man." He said to Logan and make him was chuckle little bit and Ash didn't know how much (Y/N) beating the shit out of Barron like that...pretty brutal to beat the shit out of the bully.

But she saw the face of (Y/N) was something else creep her up.

And she saw the face of the Satan who glare at the enemy and punish him.

And she saw the face of the Satan who glare at the enemy and punish him

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Ash: "*Never ever pisses (Y/N) off...noted.*" She thought herself and make her was shook her head and she watching at (Y/N) who was been great with the others and seems they both having fun by themselves.

Ash: "*Why am I in loving with him? He's amazing...but he was like me...and something else more much about him...and he will be there for us when we are in trouble.*" She thought herself and she was smile at him badly. After the classroom was done and make (Y/N) with the others were heading out by themselves and (Y/N) was get in the vehicle car and he was prepare to drive home and the others want to ask him if he can hang out with them.

(Y/N): "Sure, go on then...hop in." He said to them and they both were hop in and then (Y/N) was drive his car going faster and get them to the mall or something else for what they having fun.

(Y/N): "*Hmmm....wondering where is Kurumi going right now?*" He thought himself and make him was driving his car going faster and turn on the music for what he gonna heard.

To Be Continued.

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