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Ch. 12: The Library

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The sound of the water functioned as a vehicle for my thoughts, there was something soothing about the noise that Faustina made while swimming that left me in a kind of meditative state.

While my sister moved from one side of the pool to the other, I remained lying on the lounge chair with my eyes closed. It wasn't about the tiredness, the night before I had slept wonderfully after dispelling my doubts about Almec's well-being; It was more about the need to organize the ideas that were constantly running through my mind.

Even though I wasn't worried anymore about the alpha's health, dinner had unlocked new dilemmas, and Almec was in the middle of them.

The more time I spent with him, the harder it was to get him out of my mind. I could feel the ghost of his touch and I longed to feel his warmth once again.

The images from the night before replayed over and over again, to the point where I had memorized the details of his smile.

I had never experienced anything similar with anyone and it was difficult for me to understand why I wanted to see him so much once again.

What was so special about Almec that made him stronger than the memories of my past? The nightmares about the fall of my pack faded because of him since my first night at the mansion. Almec replaced the gasoline that fueled my revenge and I was beginning to fear that I would forget my main objectives.

I couldn't allow myself to leave behind my pain until I avenged my family. Almec was becoming a distraction, which meant that I should stay away from him, but I couldn't find the strength to do it.

"Are you sleeping?" Faustina's voice made me open my eyes.

"No," I replied and sat on the edge of the lounge chair. "Do you need something?"

My sister swam to the edge of the pool. "I was wondering, What are we going to do for my birthday? It's only three days away."

"Is it that close?"

Faustina nodded. "I almost forgot until I saw the date today. Can I have a party at the mansion?"

"We should ask Almec, we can't organize a party at the mansion without the owner's permission. Who do you want to invite?"

"Khalia, Demian, Wina, and Almec. Geldra and Feinid can come too if they want."

"We can go find Almec now if you want so you can ask him."

Faustina swam quickly towards the ladder and left the pool as if it were a race. "Rápido, apurate."

"You have to dry off first." I laughed.

"Can't we ask him on the phone?" she asked as she grabbed the towel. "You call Almec, put him on speaker, and I'll ask him."

"What do you want to ask me?"

I turned around in search of Almec by instinct. He was at the entrance to the room, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Can I have my birthday party at the mansion?" shouted Faustina. She hopped towards Almec and used her puppy eyes to convince him.

"When is your birthday?" he asked her, crouching down to her level.

"In three days. Can I have the party? I promise I'm not going to invite too many people and we're going to have it in the part of the house that you want."

"Of course you can celebrate here but I want to know who is coming. Whatever you need you can ask Demian and Khalia. And you can choose any part of the mansion for the party except for the forbidden area."

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